23-1021. Right of employee to compensation Every employee coming within the provisions of this chapter who is injured, and the dependents of every such employee who is killed by accident arising out of and in the course of his employment, wherever the injury occurred, unless the injury was purposely self-inflicted, shall be entitled to receive […]
23-1021.01. Peace officers; fire fighters; employment status A. A peace officer or fire fighter as defined in section 1-215 who is injured or killed while traveling directly to or from work as a peace officer shall be considered in the course and scope of employment solely for the purposes of eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits, […]
23-1022. Compensation as exclusive remedy for employees; definition; exceptions; public agency employees A. The right to recover compensation pursuant to this chapter for injuries sustained by an employee or for the death of an employee is the exclusive remedy against the employer or any co-employee acting in the scope of his employment, and against the […]
23-1023. Liability of third person to injured employee; election of remedies A. If an employee who is entitled to compensation under this chapter is injured or killed or further aggravates a previously accepted industrial injury by the negligence or wrong of another person not in the same employ, the injured employee, or in event of […]
23-1024. Choice of remedy as waiver of alternate remedy A. An employee, or his legal representative in event death results, who accepts compensation waives the right to exercise any option to institute proceedings in court against his employer or any co-employee acting within the scope of his employment, or against the employer’s workers’ compensation insurance […]
23-1025. Agreement by employee to waive compensation or to pay premium void; unlawful collection of premium; classification A. An agreement by an employee to waive the employee’s rights to compensation, except as provided in this chapter, or an agreement by an employee to pay any portion of the premium paid by the employee’s employer is […]
23-1026. Periodic medical examination of employee; effect of refusal or obstruction of examination or treatment A. An employee who may be entitled to compensation under this chapter shall submit the employee for medical examination from time to time at a place reasonably convenient for the employee, if and when requested by the commission, the employee’s […]
23-1027. Compensation precluded by neglect or refusal of employee to submit to treatment No compensation shall be payable for the death or disability of an employee if his death is caused by, or insofar as his disability may be aggravated, caused or continued by an unreasonable refusal or neglect to submit to or follow any […]
23-1028. False statements or representations to obtain compensation; forfeiture; violation; classification; sworn statement; definition A. If in order to obtain any compensation, benefit or payment under this chapter, either for himself or for another, any person knowingly makes a false statement or representation, the person is guilty of a class 6 felony, and, if the […]
23-1029. Repeal of chapter; effect on rights of parties If the provisions of this chapter relative to compensation for injuries to or death of workmen are repealed, and the injury or death has not previously been compensated by lump payment or completed monthly payments, the period intervening between the injury or death and the repeal […]
23-1030. Effect on employers’ liability law This chapter shall not be construed as having repealed the sections of the statutes commonly known as the employers’ liability law.
23-1031. Persons incarcerated; suspension of benefits A. Except as provided in subsection B of this section, beginning on December 1, 1997, payment of compensation under this chapter shall be suspended during the period of time that the employee has either: 1. Been convicted of a crime and is incarcerated in any state, federal, county or […]