35-451. Local debt limit; increase in limitation; authority to issue bonds; definitions A. The aggregate indebtedness of a county, city, town or similar municipal corporation may be increased above six percent of the net assessed value of the full cash value of the property in such a political subdivision only as provided in this article. […]
35-451.01. Power to use outstanding bond authorizations of common or high school districts A. All outstanding authorizations permitting the issuance of bonds, as provided in this article, or the incurring of debt by a common school district or a high school district at the time either such district becomes part of a unified school district, […]
35-452. Election to authorize indebtedness; costs A. The governing body or board of a political subdivision enumerated in section 35-451 may, and upon petition signed by fifteen per cent of the qualified electors shall, order an election by such electors to determine whether such indebtedness shall be authorized. The election shall be held on the […]
35-453. Order for election A. The governing body or board of the political subdivision shall order the election to be held at the regular voting places within the limits of such subdivision on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November as prescribed by section 16-204, subsection B, paragraph 1, subdivision (d). B. If […]
35-454. Informational pamphlet for bond election; review; ballot; election; return; canvass of votes; certificate of election A. The governing body or board of the political subdivision shall: 1. At least thirty-five days before the bond election, mail a copy of an informational pamphlet to every household within the political subdivision that contains a registered voter. […]
35-455. Issuance and sale of bonds; call for election A. When the political subdivision designated in this article desires to issue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness, the governing body or board thereof, with the assent of a majority of the qualified electors therein voting at the election held as provided by section 35-454, may […]
35-456. Amount, denomination and form of bonds A. The governing body or board shall cause the bonds to be prepared in the amount and denominations authorized, or whole multiples of such denominations, bearing the date of issuance and numbered in a convenient manner. Bonds voted at one or more elections, for one or more different […]
35-456.01. Bonds; manual affixing of signatures Wherever any statute requires that any bond issued by a public body be signed manually by two or more officers or other individuals, all such signatures and counter signatures may be printed, lithographed, engraved, or otherwise mechanically reproduced, except that one of the signatures or counter signatures to the […]
35-457. Sale of bonds; bids; forfeiture of deposit; definitions A. Any or all of the bonds may be sold at public sale or through an online bidding process in a manner prescribed by the governing body or board that includes the following: 1. If sold by public sale before the sale of any bonds the […]
35-458. Levy of tax for payment of bonds; security A. After the bonds are issued, the governing body or board shall enter on its minutes a record of the bonds sold and their numbers and dates, and shall annually levy and cause to be collected a tax, at the same time and in the same […]
35-458.01. Commercial paper; variable rate bonds; compound interest bonds; bonds subject to tender A. Bonds issued by a city or town may bear interest at any rate or rates not in excess of the maximum voted rate, payable at the times determined by the governing body, provided that each such bond may be evidenced by […]
35-459. Redemption of bonds and coupons A. When any bonds mature, the county treasurer, when the bonds have been issued by the county, the city or town treasurer, when the bonds have been issued by a city or town, or the fiscal officer of other political subdivisions shall give notice for four weeks in a […]
35-460. Erection of buildings If bonds for the purpose of erecting and furnishing a public building are authorized at the election, the board of supervisors for a county and the governing body of a city, town or other municipal corporation shall authorize the design and construction of the building in accordance with title 34.
35-461. Payment of expenses of bond issues The expenses of the proceedings provided for in this article shall be borne by the political subdivision instituting the proceedings. If the bonds authorized by this article are sold, the expenses thereof shall be deducted from the proceeds of the sale.
35-462. Bonds; change of purpose; election; informational pamphlet; ballot (Rpld. 1/1/25) A. The governing body or board of a political subdivision may call an election to change the purposes for which the monies derived from the sale of bonds authorized at a prior bond election may be spent provided the bonds have not been issued. […]