37-701. Acceptance of Carey land acts; state agency The state accepts the conditions of the acts of Congress known as the Carey land acts, and the grants of land upon the conditions imposed by those acts. The selection, management and disposal of lands granted by those acts shall vest in the state land department.
37-702. Application for selection of arid lands for irrigation projects or reclamation projects; proposal; deposit A. Any person desiring to construct irrigation works or to reclaim lands under the provisions of this article shall file with the state land department an application for selection of the lands to be reclaimed. The application shall be accompanied […]
37-703. Processing of proposal by land department; processing by director of water resources; approval or disapproval of application A. The state land department shall determine: 1. Whether the land applied for can be reclaimed by means of the proposed irrigation project. 2. Whether according to records of the department of water resources there are sufficient […]
37-704. Contract; contents; bond of contractor A. Upon approval of the application and withdrawal of the land by the department of the interior, the state land department shall enter into a contract with the applicant containing complete maps and specifications of the proposed project. The contract shall state: 1. The maximum price per acre at […]
37-705. Contract provisions as to beginning and completion dates; forfeiture for failure to prosecute work A. The contract with the state shall provide that the work shall begin within six months from the date of the contract, and shall be prosecuted diligently and continuously to completion, and that cessation of work for a period of […]
37-706. Persons eligible to apply for entry; limitation on area; contents of application; price of lands; disposition of monies received A. Any citizen of the United States, or any person who has declared his intention to become a citizen, over the age of eighteen years, may make application to enter any of the lands not […]
37-707. Procedure upon completion of project by settler; application for federal patent; grant of state patent to settler Upon completion of the project or any section thereof, the contractor shall notify the state land department that he is prepared to supply water to the land designated in his application, or any particular tract thereof, whereupon […]
37-708. Water rights appurtenant to lands; lien; foreclosure and redemption A. The water rights shall attach and become appurtenant to the land when the title passes from the United States to the state. Any person furnishing water for any tract of land so acquired shall be entitled to receive directly, when due under the water […]
37-709. Maps of project; right of easement reserved A. The maps of the lands shall show the location of the irrigation project approved in the contract. Certified copies of the maps shall be filed and recorded in the office of the county recorder in each of the counties into which the irrigation project, or the […]
37-710. Reservation of mineral rights in school lands sold A. The additional grant of numbered school sections, mineral in character, made to the state by the act of Congress approved January 25, 1927 is accepted. B. All sales, grants, deeds or patents for any lands so granted shall be subject to and contain a reservation […]