41-4043. Recovery from fund; claim against licensee; subrogation; appeal; statute of limitations A. If any consumer who is buying or selling the consumer’s home uses the services of a licensed dealer of manufactured homes, mobile homes or factory-built buildings designed for use as residential buildings and is damaged as a result of an act or […]
41-4044. False statement; violation; classification A person or the person’s agent who knowingly files with the director any notice, statement or other document required under section 41-4042 or 41-4043 that is false or untrue or contains any material misstatement of fact is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor.
41-4045. Waiver of rights The failure of an aggrieved person to comply with section 41-4042 or 41-4043 constitutes a waiver of any rights under such sections.
41-4046. Enforcement powers of director; civil and administrative penalties A. The director, personnel of the department and personnel under contract to the department, on presentation of credentials, shall be allowed to enter and inspect premises where units regulated by this chapter are manufactured, sold or installed as the director may deem appropriate to determine if […]
41-4047. Unlawful acts It is unlawful for any person to: 1. Manufacture manufactured homes or factory-built buildings in this state or for delivery or sale in this state unless such person is licensed as a manufacturer by the department. 2. Engage in the business of installing manufactured homes, mobile homes or accessory structures unless such […]
41-4048. Violation; classification; penalty A. A person required to be licensed pursuant to this article may not sell or offer to sell in this state any manufactured home or factory-built building unless the proper state certificate or HUD label is affixed to such unit. B. A person required to be licensed pursuant to this article […]