41-2561. Definition As used in this article, " specification" means any description of the physical or functional characteristics, or of the nature of a material, service or construction item. Specification may include a description of any requirement for inspecting, testing or preparing a material, service or construction item for delivery.
41-2562. Duties of the director A. The director shall establish guidelines governing the preparation, maintenance and content of specifications for materials, services and construction required by this state. The director shall prepare, issue, revise, maintain and monitor the use of specifications for materials, services and construction required by this state. B. Notwithstanding the provisions of […]
41-2563. Exempted services Specifications for services procured under section 41-2513 may be prepared by a purchasing agency in accordance with this article and rules adopted under this article.
41-2564. Relationship with using agencies The director may obtain advice and assistance from using agencies in the development of specifications and may delegate in writing to a using agency the authority to prepare and use its own specifications.
41-2565. Maximum practicable competition All specifications shall seek to promote overall economy for the purposes intended and encourage competition in satisfying this state’s needs and shall not be unduly restrictive.
41-2566. Specifications prepared by architects and engineers All specifications, including those prepared by architects, engineers, consultants and others for public contracts, shall seek to promote overall economy for the purposes intended and encourage competition in satisfying this state’s needs and shall not be unduly restrictive.
41-2567. Specifications for energy consumptive material The director shall establish specifications based on national standards for considerations of energy conservation for the procurement of selected energy consumptive material.
41-2568. Specifications for recycled materials To the extent practicable, specifications shall emphasize functional or performance criteria which do not discriminate against the use of recycled materials.