§ 48-1541 – Organization of board
48-1541. Organization of board After the directors qualify, they shall organize as a board by electing a president and appointing a secretary.
48-1541. Organization of board After the directors qualify, they shall organize as a board by electing a president and appointing a secretary.
48-1542. District office The office of the board of directors shall be located in the county where the organization of the district was perfected at a place determined by the board of directors.
48-1543. Meetings of board; inspection of records A. The board of directors shall hold regular quarterly meetings in their office on the first Tuesday in January, April, June and October, and such special meetings as are necessary for the transaction of business. Special meetings may be called by the president of the board, or any […]
48-1544. Compensation and expenses of directors and employees A. The compensation of members of the board of directors shall be determined by the board, but shall not exceed thirty dollars per day and actual and necessary expenses of attending board meetings, and a similar per diem and actual and necessary expenses while engaged in official […]
48-1545. Administrative powers of board; limitations on contracting power A. The board shall: 1. Adopt a seal. 2. Manage and conduct the affairs and business of the district. 3. Make and execute necessary contracts. 4. Employ such agents, attorneys, officers and employees as are required and prescribe their duties and compensation. 5. Establish equitable rules […]
48-1546. Other board powers; judicial proceedings; validity of organization A. The board may take conveyances for all property acquired by it under the provisions of this chapter in the name of the district for the purposes expressed in this chapter, and institute and maintain all actions and proceedings necessary or proper in order to carry […]
48-1547. Exemption from antitrust statutes The provisions of title 44, chapter 10, article 1, shall not apply to any conduct or activity of a power district organized pursuant to this chapter, which conduct or activity is approved by a statute of this state or of the United States or by the corporation commission or an […]
48-1548. Rules for distribution of power; ratio of distribution; diversion A. Rules and regulations for distribution of power among owners of the lands shall be printed upon adoption in convenient form for distribution in the district. B. All power distributed for irrigation, drainage, agricultural, domestic or manufacturing purposes shall be apportioned ratably to each land […]
48-1549. Contract of district obligating owner of incompleted title to land to pay bonds and taxes A. The board of directors shall require all owners of lands within the district for which title to lands is incomplete at the time of the issuance of bonds to enter into a contract to the effect that such […]
48-1550. Use of public rights of way A. Power districts may use public streets, thoroughfares, highways and alleys and all other public ways not within towns, cities or municipal corporations under direction of the public officers in charge or control thereof. B. The district may: 1. Build pole lines, lay pipes or conduits and connections […]
48-1551. Construction of works across private and public property A. The board of directors may construct district works across streams of water, water courses, streets, avenues, highways, railways, canals, ditches, flumes, transmission lines, telephone or telegraph lines or private property, which the route of the power line or lines intersect or cross. B. If the […]
48-1552. Right of entry to survey; acquisition of property for works A. The board and its agents and employees may enter upon any land in the district to make surveys and to locate and construct power lines and distributing systems, poles, wires, transformers, motors and all necessary appliances for generating, distributing or measuring power. B. […]
48-1553. Title to property held in trust; procuring power from without the state A. The title to all property acquired under this chapter shall immediately, and by operation of law, vest in the power district in its corporate name, and shall be held by the district in trust for the use and purposes set forth […]
48-1554. Plans and specifications for construction; advertisement for bids; bid deposit; awarding contract; performance bond A. When plans and specifications for any construction, repair, alteration, extension, improvement or other district purpose have been adopted by the board of directors and ratified by the electors when the probable amount involved requires ratification, the directors shall give […]
48-1555. Conveyance or transfer to United States of irrigable lands within district included within federal reclamation project; election; terms of transfer A. When irrigable lands within a power district have been included within any federal reclamation project, or subdivision thereof, authorized for construction under the federal reclamation laws, and the appropriate authority of the United […]
48-1556. Violations of duty by officer; classification An officer of a district who knowingly violates or neglects any duty imposed upon him by law is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor. Any officer convicted under this section shall forfeit his office.
48-1741. Terms of directors; vacancies Directors elected to succeed the directors initially elected at the organizational election shall be elected for a term of three years. Directors shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified. The board of directors may fill vacancies on the board, but appointees shall hold office only until their […]
48-1742. Annual election of directors; notice; qualifications of directors; voting place; expenses A. The annual election of directors shall be held on the second Saturday in January of each year. B. Ten days’ notice of the election shall be given by posting notices in the manner provided by section 48-1704, and not less than three […]
48-1743. Increase or reduction in number of members on board; election A. The board of directors may on its own initiative, or shall, if so requested by a petition signed by a number of qualified electors of the district equal to one third of the number of votes cast at the last preceding annual election, […]
48-1744. Organization of board; officers; district office A. The board of directors of the district shall organize each year by electing from among its membership a chairman, a vice-chairman and a treasurer. The board shall elect a secretary who may or may not be a member of the board, but his duties shall be clerical […]