48-2661. Organization of board of directors; term; district office A. On the third Tuesday in October following a regular district election, the directors elected at the regular October election and whose terms have not then expired shall meet and organize the board, elect a president and appoint a secretary who shall hold office during the […]
48-2662. Compensation of directors The compensation of members of the board of directors shall be determined by the board, but shall not exceed thirty dollars per day for each day’s attendance at meetings of the board, and actual and necessary expenses while engaged in official business under order of the board.
48-2663. Meetings of board of directors; minutes A. The board of directors shall hold a regular meeting in its office on the first Tuesday in March, June, September and December, and such special meetings as required for the proper transaction of business. B. All special meetings shall be called by a majority of the board […]
48-2664. Powers of board of directors A. The board shall: 1. Manage and conduct the business and affairs of the district. 2. Make and execute all necessary contracts. 3. Adopt a seal for the district to be used in the attestation of instruments. 4. Provide for the payment from the proper funds of all debts […]
48-2665. Plan for construction of works; notice; bids; award of contract; bond A. The board of directors shall adopt a plan for the construction of the works authorized by section 48-2664. B. The board shall give notice by publication thereof for not less than fifteen days in a newspaper published in each of the counties […]
48-2666. Construction of works across public or private property A. The board of directors may construct works necessary for drainage purposes across any stream of water, water-course, street, avenue, highway, railway, canal, ditch or flume which the route of the conduits or drains intersects or crosses in a manner so as to afford security for […]
48-2667. Right of eminent domain Condemnation proceedings may be brought by the board of directors in the name of the district, and all laws of the state relating to the exercise of the right of eminent domain and the taking of private property for public purposes and obtaining immediate possession thereof shall apply to such […]
48-2668. Title to property held by district; enforcement of property rights by board A. The legal title to all property acquired by the district under the provisions of this chapter, including all water collected in, controlled or handled by means of any drainage works constructed or acquired under the provisions of this chapter, shall immediately […]
48-2971. Officers; office of district The officers of an irrigation district shall consist of a board of directors and a secretary appointed by the board. The treasurer of the county in which the office of the district is located shall be ex officio treasurer of the district. The officers shall hold office until their successors […]
48-2972. Organization of board The directors elected shall qualify and organize as a board, select a president from the members, and appoint a secretary.
48-2973. Form of official oath and bond of directors Official oaths and bonds required by this chapter shall be in the form prescribed by law for official oaths and bonds of county officials, except that the obligee named in the bond shall be the district.
48-2974. Compensation of directors; petition to submit schedule of salaries and fees A. The compensation of members of the board of directors shall be determined by the board, but shall not exceed fifty dollars for each day or part of the day devoted to the business of the district, and such mileage, expenses and insurance […]
48-2975. Meetings of board of directors; records A. The board of directors shall hold a regular monthly meeting in the district office on the first Tuesday in each month and such special meetings necessary for the transaction of business. Special meetings shall be called by the president of the board, or any two directors. Meetings […]
48-2976. Publication of minutes; effective date of by-laws, rules, regulations and resolutions A. The minutes of proceedings of the board of directors or an abstract thereof may be published when the board by resolution entered upon its minutes so direct. B. All by-laws, rules, regulations or resolutions of a general nature governing drainage ditches, laterals, […]
48-2977. Administrative powers of board of directors The board shall: 1. Adopt a seal. 2. Manage and conduct the affairs and business of the district. 3. Make and execute all necessary contracts, deeds and conveyances. 4. Employ such agents, attorneys and employees as required, and prescribe their duties and compensation. 5. Establish rules and regulations […]
48-2978. General powers of board of directors In order to accomplish the purposes of the district the board may: 1. Purchase or acquire water rights. 2. Acquire or lease real estate and personal property when necessary. 3. Acquire and hold stock in irrigation ditch and reservoir companies. 4. Lease, sell and otherwise dispose of real […]
48-2979. Investment and reinvestment of sinking fund A. The board of directors of an irrigation district may invest and reinvest all money belonging or credited to the district as a sinking fund. The investment shall be made for the best interests of the district. B. The funds may be invested and reinvested under the authority […]
48-2980. Powers of district vested with power of drainage If the district has been vested with the necessary authority, the board of directors may: 1. Construct ditches, conduits, drains, sluices, water gates, pumps, pumping plants, electric transmission lines, cement linings for canals to prevent seepage of irrigation or other water, and all other works and […]
48-2981. Powers of district serving municipal and industrial waters on June 12, 1980 A. If a district was providing not less than ninety per cent of its total deliveries of water for municipal and industrial uses on June 12, 1980, the district may deliver municipal and industrial service to all lands within the boundaries of […]
48-2982. Powers of board in legal proceedings; judicial notice of district; exception A. The board of directors may, in the name of the district, institute, maintain, prosecute and defend any proceedings and any actions, civil or criminal, necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter or enforce, maintain, protect or preserve any right, privilege […]