48-1771. Expenses of organizing district; issuance of time warrants A. All preliminary expenses incurred in the organization of the district, including necessary engineering and legal services, and all necessary and reasonable services rendered before the district is authorized to contract for such services, materials or valuable things, are lawful obligations of the district, and after […]
48-1772. Administration and general expenses defined; separate assessment and levy of taxes for each division of expense A. For purposes of this article, " administration expenses" includes: 1. The per diem allowance and expenses of the board of directors. 2. The salary and expenses of the secretary and assistant secretary of the district, if any. […]
48-1773. Annual estimate of expenses of district; certificate of expense A. On or before June 1 each year, the board of directors shall determine the amount of money necessary to conduct the business of the district on a cash basis until funds are available from the next tax levy. The board shall embody their findings […]
48-1774. Service charges; amount; limitation A. Beginning with the third year after issuance of any bonds, the board of directors shall begin to levy a service charge over and above the cost of the power, if purchased or leased by the district or by the users directly, or the actual cost price if generated by […]
48-1775. Taxes levied under federal law; apportionment; effect on inchoate titles A. When and if the act of Congress of August 11, 1916 becomes operative in a district, the board of directors in making the certificate to the boards of supervisors as provided by section 48-1773 shall certify the amount of taxes levied or assessed […]
48-1776. Collection of taxes; delinquent taxes A. A district shall have the same right as an individual to become a purchaser at any tax sale, foreclosure or other sale of lands for nonpayment of assessments or taxes due the district, and may as such purchaser pay a price which includes other taxes involved in the […]
48-1777. Limitation on district indebtedness Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as making districts organized under this chapter municipal corporations within the meaning of article 13 of the constitution, but they shall in all respects be subject to the debt limitations of municipal corporations.
48-1778. Authority of directors to invest monies; approved investments The board of directors, in the best interests of the district, may invest and reinvest monies of the district in any of the following: 1. Bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of the United States or any of its agencies or instrumentalities if the obligations are […]
48-1779. Reimbursement for county services Services provided by a county to an electrical district are subject to reimbursement pursuant to section 11-251.06.
48-5561. Deposit of district monies A. All special health care district monies from any source shall be deposited with the county treasurer to the credit of the district and shall be paid out only on warrants approved by the district’s board of directors. All district monies may be included in the county treasurer’s investment pool. […]
48-5561.01. Special payments to a special health care district; transfers; county treasurer; state treasurer A. For a special health care district that is organized pursuant to this chapter and that constructs a general hospital or acquires or leases a general hospital from a county pursuant to section 48-5541.01, the following apply: 1. Notwithstanding section 48-5561, […]
48-5562. Disposition and use of rental receipts from facilities and equipment Rental revenues, if any, received from the lease of a hospital, freestanding urgent care center, medical clinic or nursing care institution and their equipment shall be applied first against expenses of the district, other than for principal and interest on bonds of the district, […]
48-5563. Budget and tax levy A. On or before July 15 of each year, the board of directors shall furnish to the board of supervisors a report of the operation of the district for the past year and a written statement of the amount of money needed to be raised by taxation during the next […]
48-5564. Ambulance service; financing A. A special health care district may maintain and operate an ambulance service or pay the costs of an ambulance service contract if a majority of the qualified electors voting in a regular or special election approve the imposition of the tax necessary to defray the costs of the service. B. […]
48-5565. Tax levy for district expenses A. A special health care district shall certify to the county board of supervisors an amount to levy as a secondary property tax on all taxable property in the district for expenses of the district, for maintaining and operating the district’s facilities and for payments for professional and other […]
48-5566. Issuing bonds; election; security A. On the approval of a majority of the qualified electors, a special health care district may issue bonds to carry out any of the provisions of this article. If the board of directors determines that bonds should be issued, the board of directors shall apply to the board of […]
48-5567. Reserves; tax to replenish reserve A. Bonds that are issued under this article may contain a provision requiring the establishment of a reserve or reserves in an amount that does not exceed the requirements of principal and interest payments for the two years during the life of the bonds requiring the largest amount of […]
48-5568. Limit of bonded indebtedness A special health care district shall not incur a bonded indebtedness exceeding ten per cent of the net assessed value of all taxable property in the district as shown by the last assessment roll of the county.
48-5569. Investment and reinvestment of sinking fund A. The board of directors, with the consent of the board of supervisors, may invest and reinvest all money belonging or credited to the district as a sinking fund. The investment shall be made for the best interests of the district. B. The monies may be invested and […]
48-5570. Capital outlay fund A. The board of directors may establish a fund for capital outlays. After a capital outlay fund is established, the board of directors may transfer to the fund any unencumbered surplus monies remaining on hand in the district at the end of a fiscal year. B. If a capital outlay fund […]