6-506. Organization procedure A. Any seven or more residents of this state who are of legal age and who have a common bond of interest or association may apply to the deputy director for permission to organize a credit union under this chapter. B. The incorporators shall prepare, adopt and execute a certificate of organization […]
6-507. Certificate of approval; filing with corporation commission; certificate of incorporation A. The deputy director shall act on the completed application within sixty days. The deputy director shall issue a certificate of approval if the certificate of organization and the bylaws are in conformity with this chapter and the deputy director is satisfied that all […]
6-508. Certificate of organization and bylaws A. The deputy director shall prepare standard forms of the certificate of organization and bylaws, consistent with this chapter, which may be used by credit union incorporators. B. The board of directors may adopt proposed amendments to the certificate of organization at a duly held meeting. The board of […]
6-509. Exclusive use of name; exception A. The name of every credit union organized under this chapter shall include the words " credit union" . A credit union shall not adopt a name either identical to the name of any other credit union doing business in this state or so similar as to be misleading […]
6-510. Principal place of business; branch office; automated teller machines A. A credit union may change its principal place of business or branch within this state with the prior approval of the deputy director and the payment of the fee provided in section 6-126. B. A credit union may establish a branch office with the […]
6-511. Out-of-state credit union A. A credit union organized under the laws of another state or territory of the United States may conduct business as a credit union in this state, subject to all laws and rules governing the operation of credit unions under this title, with the prior approval of the deputy director if […]
6-512. Fiscal year The fiscal year of each credit union incorporated under this chapter ends on December 31.