8-501. Definitions A. In this article, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. " Child developmental certified home" means a regular foster home that is licensed pursuant to section 8-509 and that is certified by the department of economic security pursuant to section 36-593.01. 2. " Child welfare agency" or " agency" : (a) Means: (i) […]
8-502. Foster parent and child welfare agency information; confidentiality; permissible disclosure; use; violation; classification; definitions A. Unless otherwise provided by law and except as provided in subsection E, F or G of this section, all personal information concerning a foster parent applicant or licensee or an individual who applies for or receives a child welfare […]
8-503. Powers and duties A. The division shall: 1. Exercise supervision over all child welfare agencies. 2. Advise and cooperate with the governing boards of all child welfare agencies. 3. Assist the staffs of all child welfare agencies by giving advice on progressive methods and procedures of child care and improvement of services. 4. Establish […]
8-503.01. Children and family services training program fund; purposes; status report; exemption from lapsing A. The division shall establish a children and family services training program fund consisting of monies received pursuant to sections 8-243.01 and 8-807. Subject to legislative appropriation, the fund monies shall be used to enhance the collection of monies owed the […]
8-504. Sanitation, fire and hazard inspection A. The division shall visit each child welfare agency and foster home and inspect the premises used for care of children for sanitation, fire and other actual and potential hazards. The division shall take action it deems necessary to carry out the duties imposed by this section including the […]
8-505. Issuance of licenses; application; investigation; renewal A. The issuance of initial and renewal licenses for child welfare agencies shall be made by the division. B. A child welfare agency shall not receive any child for care or maintenance or for placement in a foster home unless the agency is licensed by the division. Application […]
8-506. Denial, suspension or revocation of license; foster home; hearing; exception A. The division may deny the application or suspend or revoke the license of any foster home for wilful violation of any provision of this article or failure to maintain the standards of the care prescribed by the division. Written notice of the grounds […]
8-506.01. Denial, suspension, revocation or change of license; child welfare agency; appeal The division may deny the application or suspend or revoke the license of any child welfare agency for the wilful violation of any provision of this article or for failure to maintain the standards of the care prescribed by the division. Written notice […]
8-507. Operation without license A. When the division has reason to believe that an agency or foster home is being conducted or maintained without a license, it shall make an investigation, and, if necessary, the division shall take action to prevent such continued operation. B. If an agency provides treatment or permits restrictive behavior techniques […]
8-508. Receipt of articles of incorporation Before issuing a charter for the incorporation of any organization for the purpose of receiving children for care or for placement in foster homes, the corporation commission shall transmit a copy of the petition for incorporation, together with all information in its possession pertaining to the proposed corporation, to […]
8-509. Licensing of foster homes; fingerprint waiver; restricted license; renewal of license; provisional license; exemption from licensure; immunization requirements A. The department shall license and certify foster homes. Licenses are valid for a period of two years. B. The department shall not issue a license without satisfactory proof that the foster parent or parents have […]
8-509.01. Prospective foster parent’s blindness; burden of proof; specific written findings; definitions A. The department may not refuse to license a foster home based on a prospective foster parent’s blindness, if the foster home otherwise qualifies for licensure. B. If a prospective foster parent’s blindness is alleged to have a detrimental impact on the operation […]
8-510. Acceptance of children by agency A. A licensed child welfare agency may accept any child of a class, age and sex specified in its license, from the child’s parent, guardian or relative, or a child which is lawfully committed thereto, and shall care for and control the child until discharged to its parent, relative […]
8-511. Short-term caregiver A. Except as prescribed in subsection B, if circumstances require a foster parent to leave a foster child in the care of another person, the foster parent shall: 1. Use reasonable judgment in the foster parent’s choice of an adult to provide the care. 2. Notify the department case manager before the […]
8-512. Comprehensive medical and dental care; guidelines A. The department shall provide comprehensive medical and dental care, including behavioral health services, as prescribed by rules of the department, for each child who is: 1. In a voluntary placement pursuant to section 8-806. 2. In the custody of the department in an out-of-home placement. 3. In […]
8-512.01. Behavioral health services; urgent need; dependent and adopted children; definition A. If a dependent child who is in the legal custody of the department of child safety is placed in an out-of-home placement, the out-of-home placement shall receive immediately on placement of the child from the department an updated complete placement packet, contact information […]
8-512.02. Comprehensive health plan expenditure authority fund; reversion A. The department shall establish and maintain a comprehensive health plan expenditure authority fund, which is a separate fund to distinguish the department’s revenues and the department’s expenditures pursuant to section 8-512 from other programs that are funded and administered by the department. The fund shall be […]
8-513. Participation in activities; contact with relatives; placement with siblings; independent living programs A. A child may participate in activities and functions generally accepted as usual and normal for children of the child’s age group if permission is granted as follows: 1. If the activity by law requires a license, the agency or division that […]
8-514. Placement in foster homes A. Subject to the provisions of section 8-514.01, the division or a licensed child welfare agency if so authorized in its license may place a child in a licensed foster home for care or for adoption. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the division or a licensed child welfare agency […]
8-514.01. Placement of children with developmental disabilities A. All foster placements of children with developmental disabilities made by the division shall be made to child developmental homes for children with developmental disabilities that are operated or licensed by the department of economic security pursuant to title 36, chapter 5.1, article 3 and that provide specialized […]