8-514.02. Placement of child A. The department may place a child with a parent, a relative or a person who has a significant relationship with a child. B. During an emergency situation when a child must be placed, the department shall not place a child with a relative or a person who has a significant […]
8-514.03. Kinship foster care; requirements; investigation A. The department shall establish kinship foster care services for a child who has been removed from the child’s home and who is in the custody of the department. The program shall promote the placement of the child with the child’s relative or a person with a significant relationship […]
8-514.04. Kinship care program; requirements A. The kinship care program is established in the department. The program shall: 1. Streamline, expedite and coordinate existing services and referrals. 2. Preserve families. 3. Meet the protection, developmental, cultural and permanency needs of children. 4. Enable families to sustain support for a child who cannot live with the […]
8-514.05. Foster care provider and department access to child health information; consent to treatment A. If a health plan, a health care provider licensed or certified pursuant to title 32 or title XIX of the social security act or a health care institution licensed pursuant to title 36, chapter 4 has provided or is providing […]
8-514.06. Out-of-home placement; documents; definition A. If a child who is in the custody of the department and who is at least sixteen years of age is placed in out-of-home placement, the out-of-home placement provider: 1. Within sixty days after placement, shall obtain and provide the child access to the documents if the out-of-home placement […]
8-514.07. Kinship foster care; relative identification and notification A. If a child is taken into temporary custody, as part of the ongoing search, the department shall use due diligence in an initial search to identify and notify adult relatives of the child and persons with a significant relationship with the child within thirty days after […]
8-514.08. Educational decisions; parent contact information; inability to locate A. If a child in the custody of the department is in out-of-home care and is receiving or in need of services pursuant to title 15, chapter 7, article 4, the department shall promptly notify the child’s public education agency of the name and contact information […]
8-515. Time limits on placement in receiving home; court orders A. In the absence of a juvenile court order, a child shall not remain in a receiving foster home for a period of more than three weeks. B. Juvenile court orders extending receiving foster home placement beyond three weeks shall be reviewed by the juvenile […]
8-515.01. Local foster care review boards; appointment; exclusions; terms; training; compensation; meetings A. The presiding judge of the juvenile court in each county shall establish local foster care review boards for the review of cases of children who are in out-of-home placement and who are the subject of a dependency action to assist in the […]
8-515.02. Case assignment; distribution of records A. The juvenile court in each county shall assign cases of children in out-of-home placement to a local board so that local boards are assigned an approximately equal number of children. In a case where a child resides in a county other than the resident county of the child’s […]
8-515.03. Duties of local foster care review boards Local foster care review boards shall: 1. Review within six months of placement and at least once every six months thereafter the case of each child who remains in out-of-home placement and who is the subject of a dependency action to determine what efforts have been made […]
8-515.04. State foster care review board; members; personnel; training programs; compensation A. The state foster care review board is established within the supreme court consisting of three persons who have knowledge of the problems of foster care and who are appointed by the supreme court and of the members of the local foster care review […]
8-515.05. Removal of child from foster parent’s home; requirements; notification; review A. Unless a child is removed from a licensed foster parent, excluding a shelter care provider and receiving foster parent, to protect the child from harm or risk of harm, to place a child in a permanent placement, to reunite siblings, to place a […]
8-516. Supervision of foster homes; reports; review of file; progress report A. A licensed child welfare agency shall maintain supervision of all children placed by it in foster homes and such foster homes. B. The agency’s representative shall contact the foster homes and written reports of the representative’s findings shall be maintained by such agency, […]
8-517. Withdrawal from foster home The division or agency that placed the child may withdraw a child from a foster home only when the division or agency determines that withdrawal is according to written, specific standards and is clearly necessary for the child’s interests and welfare. The division may change the placement of a child […]
8-518. Central registry; change of address; marital status A. The division shall maintain a central registry of all licensed foster homes. B. All foster home parents shall report any change of their address or marital status to the division and agency.
8-519. Records and reports A. Each child welfare agency shall keep records regarding the children in its care as the division prescribes and shall furnish to the division, on request, such additional information as the division requires. B. The department shall provide information necessary for foster care review boards to perform their statutory duties through […]
8-520. Violations; classification Any agency, society, association, institution or person, whether incorporated or unincorporated, and any individual acting for or in its name, which engages in caring for children or children and adults or of placing children for care pursuant to this article, without having first procured a license as a child welfare agency as […]
8-521. Independent living program; conditions; eligibility; rules; progress reports; educational case management unit A. The department or a licensed child welfare agency may establish an independent living program for youths who are the subject of a dependency petition or who are adjudicated dependent and are all of the following: 1. In the custody of the […]
8-521.01. Transitional independent living program A. The department may establish a transitional independent living program for persons who meet the following qualifications: 1. The person is under twenty-one years of age. 2. The person was the subject of a dependency petition, adjudicated dependent or placed voluntarily pursuant to section 8-806. B. The department shall provide […]