8-361. Adoption of interstate compact for juveniles The governor is authorized and directed to enter into a compact on behalf of this state with any of the United States lawfully joined in the compact in a form substantially as follows: ARTICLE I PURPOSE A. This state and the other compacting states to this interstate compact […]
8-362. Commission assessments The department of juvenile corrections shall pay the assessment that is levied each year by the interstate commission for juveniles pursuant to section 8-361.
8-363. Juvenile compact administrator, compact commissioner; authority to appoint deputy compact administrator; state council Pursuant to the compact, the governor shall: 1. Designate the director of the department of juvenile corrections as the state’s interstate compact commissioner and compact administrator. The director of the department of juvenile corrections, acting as the state’s interstate compact commissioner […]
8-364. Financial arrangements The compact administrator, subject to the approval of the director of the department of administration, may make or arrange for any payments necessary to discharge any financial obligations imposed on this state by the compact or by any supplementary agreement entered into under the compact.
8-365. Responsibilities of state departments, agencies and officers The courts, departments, agencies and officers of this state and its subdivisions shall enforce this compact and shall do all things appropriate to the effectuation of its purposes and intent that may be within their respective jurisdictions.