Section 150.
150. The department is under the control of a civil executive officer who is known as the Director of Consumer Affairs. (Amended by Stats. 1971, Ch. 716.)
150. The department is under the control of a civil executive officer who is known as the Director of Consumer Affairs. (Amended by Stats. 1971, Ch. 716.)
151. The director is appointed by the Governor and holds office at the Governor’s pleasure. The director shall receive the annual salary provided for by Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 11550) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, and the director’s necessary traveling expenses. (Amended by Stats. 2019, Ch. […]
152. For the purpose of administration, the reregistration and clerical work of the department is organized by the director, subject to the approval of the Governor, in such manner as the director deems necessary to properly segregate and conduct the work of the department. (Amended by Stats. 2020, Ch. 370, Sec. 2. (SB 1371) Effective […]
152.5. For purposes of distributing the reregistration work of the department uniformly throughout the year as nearly as practicable, the boards in the department may, with the approval of the director, extend by not more than six months the date fixed by law for the renewal of any license, certificate or permit issued by them, […]
152.6. Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, each board within the department shall, in cooperation with the director, establish such license periods and renewal dates for all licenses in such manner as best to distribute the renewal work of all boards throughout each year and permit the most efficient, and economical use of personnel […]
153. The director may investigate the work of the boards in the department and may obtain a copy of all records and full and complete data in all official matters in possession of the boards and their members, officers, or employees, other than examination questions prior to submission to applicants at scheduled examinations. (Amended by […]
153.5. In the event that a newly authorized board replaces an existing or a previous board, the director may appoint an interim executive officer for the board who shall serve temporarily until the new board appoints a permanent executive officer. (Added by Stats. 2002, Ch. 1079, Sec. 1. Effective September 29, 2002.)
154. Any and all matters relating to employment, tenure or discipline of employees of any board, agency or commission, shall be initiated by said board, agency or commission, but all such actions shall, before reference to the State Personnel Board, receive the approval of the appointing power. To effect the purposes of Division 1 of […]
154.1. (a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares all of the following: (1) The department is currently providing opportunities for employees of agencies comprising the department who perform enforcement functions to attend an entry level enforcement academy. (2) It is in the best interest of consumers in the state for the department to continue to provide ongoing training […]
154.2. (a) The healing arts boards within Division 2 (commencing with Section 500) may employ individuals, other than peace officers, to perform investigative services. (b) The healing arts boards within Division 2 (commencing with Section 500) may employ individuals to serve as experts. (Added by Stats. 2010, Ch. 719, Sec. 1. (SB 856) Effective October 19, 2010.)
154.5. If a person, not a regular employee of a board under this code, including the Board of Chiropractic Examiners and the Osteopathic Medical Board of California, is hired or under contract to provide expertise to the board in the evaluation of an applicant or the conduct of a licensee, and that person is named […]
155. (a) In accordance with Section 159.5, the director may employ such investigators, inspectors, and deputies as are necessary properly to investigate and prosecute all violations of any law, the enforcement of which is charged to the department or to any board, agency, or commission in the department. (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that […]
156. (a) The director may, for the department and at the request and with the consent of a board within the department on whose behalf the contract is to be made, enter into contracts pursuant to Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 11250) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code or […]
156.1. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, individuals or entities contracting with the department or any board within the department for the provision of services relating to the treatment and rehabilitation of licensees impaired by alcohol or dangerous drugs shall retain all records and documents pertaining to those services until such time as these records and documents […]
156.5. The director may negotiate and execute for the department and for its component agencies, rental agreements for short-term hiring of space and furnishings for examination or meeting purposes. The director may, in his or her discretion, negotiate and execute contracts for that space which include provisions which hold harmless the provider of the space […]
157. Expenses incurred by any board or on behalf of any board in any criminal prosecution or unprofessional conduct proceeding constitute proper charges against the funds of the board. (Added by Stats. 1937, Ch. 474.)
158. With the approval of the Director of Consumer Affairs, the boards and commissions comprising the department or subject to its jurisdiction may make refunds to applicants who are found ineligible to take the examinations or whose credentials are insufficient to entitle them to certificates or licenses. Notwithstanding any other law, any application fees, license […]
159. The members and the executive officer of each board, agency, bureau, division, or commission have power to administer oaths and affirmations in the performance of any business of the board, and to certify to official acts. (Added by Stats. 1947, Ch. 1350.)
159.5. (a) (1) There is in the department the Division of Investigation. The division is in the charge of a person with the title of chief of the division. (2) Except as provided in Section 160, investigators who have the authority of peace officers, as specified in subdivision (a) of Section 160 and in subdivision (a) of Section […]
160. (a) The chief and all investigators of the Division of Investigation of the department and all investigators of the Dental Board of California have the authority of peace officers while engaged in exercising the powers granted or performing the duties imposed upon them or the division in investigating the laws administered by the various boards […]