7652.8. Application for a certificate of authority shall be made in writing on the form prescribed by the bureau and filed at the principal office of the bureau. The application shall be accompanied by the fee provided for in this act and shall show that the cemetery authority owns or is actively operating a cemetery […]
7652.9. Each cemetery for which a certificate of authority is required shall be operated under the supervision of a manager who is qualified in accordance with the regulations adopted by the bureau. Each cemetery manager shall be required to successfully pass a written examination evidencing an understanding of the applicable provisions of this code and […]
7653. (a) The bureau shall adopt, and may from time to time amend, rules and regulations prescribing standards of knowledge and experience and financial responsibility for applicants for certificates of authority. In reviewing an application for a certificate of authority, the bureau may consider acts of incorporators, officers, directors, and stockholders of the applicant, which shall […]
7653.1. (a) The bureau may, in accordance with its rules and regulations, authorize interments in cemeteries for which there is no currently valid certificate of authority outstanding if the bureau finds that rights to interment therein will otherwise be impaired. However, nothing in this section authorizes sales of lots, vaults, or niches by cemeteries for which […]
7653.2. The bureau shall inspect the books, records, and premises of any crematory licensed under this chapter. In making those inspections, the bureau shall have access to all books and records, the crematory building, the cremation chambers or furnaces, and the storage areas for human remains before and after cremation, during regular office hours or […]
7653.3. The bureau shall annually conduct a minimum of one unannounced inspection of each licensed crematory. (Added by Stats. 2015, Ch. 395, Sec. 19. (AB 180) Effective January 1, 2016.)
7653.35. (a) The bureau shall inspect the books, records, and premises of a hydrolysis facility licensed under this chapter. In making those inspections, the bureau shall have access to all books and records, the hydrolysis facility, the hydrolysis chamber, and the storage areas for human remains before and after hydrolysis, during regular office hours or the […]
7653.36. (a) The bureau shall annually conduct a minimum of one unannounced inspection of each licensed hydrolysis facility. (b) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2027, and as of that date is repealed. (Amended by Stats. 2022, Ch. 399, Sec. 7. (AB 351) Effective January 1, 2023. Repealed as of January 1, 2027, […]
7653.4. The bureau shall inspect the books, records, and premises of any cemetery where a certificate of authority is required under this chapter. In making the inspections, the bureau shall have access to all books and records, buildings, mausoleums, columbariums, storage areas, including storage areas for human remains, during regular office hours or the hours […]
7653.5. The bureau shall annually conduct a minimum of one unannounced inspection of each cemetery for which a certificate of authority is required. (Added by Stats. 2015, Ch. 395, Sec. 19. (AB 180) Effective January 1, 2016.)
7653.6. A cemetery licensed under this chapter shall at all times employ a licensed cemetery manager to manage, supervise, and direct its operations. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, licensed cemeteries within close geographical proximity of each other may request the bureau to allow a licensed cemetery manager to manage, supervise, and direct the […]
7653.7. (a) Application for a cemetery manager license shall be made in writing on the form provided by the bureau, verified by the applicant, and filed at the principal office of the bureau. The application shall be accompanied by the fee fixed by this chapter. (b) The applicant for a cemetery manager license shall be at least […]
7653.8. (a) A person shall not engage in or conduct, or hold himself or herself out as engaging in or conducting, the activities of a cemetery manager without holding a valid, unexpired cemetery manager license issued by the bureau. (b) A licensed cemetery manager shall not engage in or conduct, or hold himself or herself out as […]
7653.9. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, based upon a finding by a court of competent jurisdiction that a cemetery manager of a private cemetery has ceased to perform their duties, as described in subdivision (a) of Section 7611.4, due to a lapse, suspension, surrender, abandonment, or revocation of their license, the court may appoint a temporary […]