10930. The following is a burro sanctuary: All that area within the following boundaries: Beginning at the point at which the northern boundary line of Death Valley National Monument intersects with the easterly boundary line of the State of California; Thence westerly along the northern boundary line of Death Valley National Monument to the point […]
10931. Except as otherwise provided in Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 4600) of Part 3, Division 4 of this code it is unlawful to take, possess, harm, molest, harass, or in any manner interfere with any burro which is in the burro sanctuary described in Section 10930 of this code. Any violation of these provisions […]
10932. The following constitutes a marine life refuge and shall be designated the Catalina Marine Science Center Marine Life Refuge: All that area bounded on the south and southeast by the mean high tide line and by the present seaward boundary of the lease to tide and submerged lands now held by the University of […]