US Lawyer Database

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Section 23120.

23120. The boundaries of Madera County are as follows: Beginning at a point where the third standard line south of Mount Diablo base line crosses the San Joaquin River; thence up the middle of said river, following the meanderings thereof southeasterly and northeasterly, to the point where said river crosses the south boundary line of […]

Section 23121.

23121. The boundaries of Marin County are as follows: Beginning in the Pacific Ocean at the southwestern corner of Sonoma; thence southeasterly along the southern line of Sonoma, to the mouth of Petaluma Creek; thence to the common corner of Marin, Sonoma, Contra Costa, and Solano, in San Pablo Bay; thence southerly along the western […]

Section 23122.

23122. The boundaries of Mariposa County are as follows: Beginning on the boundary line of Madera County, where the Stockton road to Millerton crosses the Chowchilla Creek, known as Newton’s crossing; thence north, 46 degrees E., to the southwest corner of Sec. 11, and the northwest corner of Sec. 14, in T. 6 S., R. […]

Section 23123.

23123. The boundaries of Mendocino County are as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Humboldt; thence east on the southern line of Humboldt to the west boundary of Trinity; thence southerly along said west boundary of Trinity two miles more or less to the southwest corner of said county; thence east along the southern […]

Section 23124.

23124. The boundaries of Merced County are as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner, being the southwest corner of Stanislaus as shown on the survey map of A. J. Stakes, 1868; thence northeasterly, on southern line of Stanislaus to common corner of Tuolumne, Mariposa, Merced, and Stanislaus; thence southeasterly, by direct line, being western line […]

Section 23125.

23125. The boundaries of Modoc County are as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the State of California; thence west, along the northern boundary line of said State, to the range line between R. 4 and 5 E., M. D. B. & M.; thence due south, on said range line, to the southern boundary […]

Section 23126.

23126. The boundaries of Mono County are as follows: Beginning at the north corner on the state line, being the east corner of Alpine; thence southwesterly, on the easterly line of Alpine to the main summit of the Sierra Nevada Mountains; thence southerly, along said summit, on the easterly line of Alpine, Tuolumne, Madera, and […]

Section 23127.

23127. The boundaries of Monterey County are as follows: Beginning in the Pacific Ocean, at the southwest corner of Santa Cruz; thence east to the mouth of Pajaro River, on the Bay of Monterey; thence up said stream to a point in its center, said point being the northwest corner of the Rancho las Arromitas […]

Section 23128.

23128. The boundaries of Napa County are as follows: Beginning at the southwestern corner, at a point in Huichica Creek where the said creek empties into San Pablo Bay; thence east to the mountains dividing Napa Valley from Suisun Valley, forming the southeastern corner; thence northerly along the summit line of said mountains to its […]

Section 23129.

23129. The boundaries of Nevada County are as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner, at a point in the main Yuba River, at the mouth of Deer Creek; thence up the main Yuba to the mouth of the middle Yuba; thence up the latter to the mouth of the south fork thereof; thence up the […]

Section 23130.

23130. The boundaries of Orange County are as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of San Diego County at a point in the Pacific Ocean opposite San Mateo point; thence northerly along the San Diego County line to the southerly line of the Rancho Mission Viejo as shown on the survey on file in book […]

Section 23131.

23131. The boundaries of Placer County are as follows: Beginning at a point where the west line of T. 10 N., R. 5 E., M. D. B. & M., intersects the northern line of Sacramento; thence north on range line to the northwest corner of Sec. 6, in T. 10 N., R. 5 E.; thence […]

Section 23132.

23132. The boundaries of Plumas County are as follows: Beginning at the corner common to Plumas, Butte, and Yuba, situated in the NW. 1/4 of Sec. 15, T. 20 N., R. 8 E., M. D. B. & M., and indicated by a large spruce tree standing in front of the Buckeye House marked “Corner of […]

Section 23133.

23133. The boundaries of Riverside County are as follows: Beginning at the corner common to Orange, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties, being located at the point of intersection of the easterly boundary of the El Canon de Santa Ana Rancho with course number seven of the boundary line, established by joint survey in December 1876, […]

Section 23134.

23134. The boundaries of Sacramento County are as follows: Beginning on the northern line of the county, at a point 10 miles north of a point which was, on the thirtieth of March, 1857, the mouth of the American River; thence easterly to the junction of the north and south forks of said river; thence […]

Section 23135.

23135. The boundaries of San Benito County are as follows: Commencing at a point in the center of the Pajaro River, said point being the northwest corner of the Rancho las Arromitas y Agua Caliente, and being on the northern boundary line of Monterey, and running thence in a southerly direction along the southwest boundary […]

Section 23136.

23136. The boundaries of San Bernardino County are as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of Sec. 1, T. 25 S., R. 40 E., M. D. B. & M.; thence east along the township line between T. 24 and 25 S. of the Mount Diablo base line, being the sixth standard south, Mount Diablo Base, […]

Section 23137.

23137. The boundaries of San Diego County are as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of the State of California as described in Article XXI of the Constitution of the State of California; thence easterly along the international boundary line between the United States and Mexico to its intersection with the range line between R. […]

Section 23138.

23138. The boundaries of San Francisco city and county are as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner, being the northwest corner of San Mateo, in the Pacific Ocean, on the extension of northern line of T. 3 S., of Mount Diablo base; thence northerly along the Pacific Coast, to its point of intersection with the […]

Section 23139.

23139. The boundaries of San Joaquin County are as follows: Beginning at the junction of the San Joaquin and Mokelumne Rivers on the line of Sacramento; thence up the latter to the mouth of Dry Creek; thence up Dry Creek to the southeast corner of Sacramento; thence southeasterly to a point on Mokelumne River, being […]