Section 23700.
23700. Counties may enact charters or revise existing charters according to the provisions of this chapter. (Amended by Stats. 1975, Ch. 238.)
23700. Counties may enact charters or revise existing charters according to the provisions of this chapter. (Amended by Stats. 1975, Ch. 238.)
23701. Proceedings to enact or revise a charter may be initiated by ordinance, adopted by a majority vote of the members of the governing body of each county. The ordinance shall declare that the public interest requires the election of a charter commission composed of 15 qualified electors of the county, to be elected by […]
23702. Petitions to propose or revise a charter shall be subject to Article 1 (commencing with Section 9100) of Chapter 2 of Division 9 of the Elections Code. (Amended by Stats. 1994, Ch. 923, Sec. 47. Effective January 1, 1995.)
23705. Upon the adoption of such ordinance, or the presentation of such petition, the governing body shall order the holding of a special election for the purpose of electing a charter commission, which special election shall be held on the next established election date not less than 88 days after the adoption of the ordinance […]
23706. Candidates for election as members of the charter commission shall be nominated substantially in the same manner provided by general law for the nomination of candidates for county offices. (Added by Stats. 1969, Ch. 1264.)
23707. At such election the electors shall vote first on the question “Shall a charter commission be elected to propose or revise a charter?” and secondly, for the candidates for the office of charter commissioner. If the first question receives a majority of the votes of the qualified voters voting at such election, the 15 […]
23708. It shall be the duty of the charter commission to prepare and propose a charter or revised charter for the county, which shall be signed in duplicate by the members of the charter commission, or a majority of them, and be filed, one copy in the office of the county clerk and the other […]
23709. The county elections official shall cause the complete text of the proposed charter or revised charter to be printed. A copy of the proposed charter shall be made available to any voter upon request. The impartial analysis prepared pursuant to Section 9160 of the Elections Code shall include a statement notifying voters that they […]
23710. The proposed charter or revised charter shall be submitted by the governing body to the eligible registered voters of the county at a special election held on the next established election date not less than 88 days after the completion of the publication, or posting provided for in Section 23709. (Amended by Stats. 1985, […]
23711. As an alternative to the procedure provided for in Sections 23700 through 23710 of this article, the governing body of any county, on its own motion may propose or cause to be proposed or revise or cause to be revised, a proposed charter and submit the proposal for adoption to the voters at either […]
23712. If the electors, voting at a general or special election, shall vote in favor of the charter proposed or revised by a charter commission or the governing body of a county, it shall be deemed to be ratified, but shall not take effect until accepted and filed by the Secretary of State pursuant to […]
23713. Two copies of the complete text of a charter proposal or of any revised, amended, or repealed section ratified by the electors of a county shall be certified and authenticated by the chairperson and clerk of the governing body and attested by the county elections official, setting forth the submission of the charter to […]
23714. A charter proposal or revision ratified by the voters of a county and submitted to the Secretary of State in compliance with the provisions of this chapter shall be accepted and filed by the Secretary of State. The charter shall be published in the statutes in a charter chapter series under the designation “Statutes […]