25900. The board of supervisors may join and participate in the affairs of associations having for their purpose the interchange of information relating to livestock, poultry, and other agricultural animals and products, the conduct and management of agricultural fairs, and similar associations dealing with subjects related to agricultural fairs, and may expend for these purposes […]
25901. The board of supervisors may erect and maintain permanent county fair buildings within the county on lands owned by the county or any municipal corporation or body politic. (Added by Stats. 1947, Ch. 424.)
25902. If any real property which was acquired or used for fair purposes and which was purchased or improved in whole or in part from funds apportioned or allocated to the county for fair purposes by the state is sold by any county, there shall be paid into the Fair and Exposition Fund in the […]
25903. With the approval of the Department of Agriculture and the State Public Works Board, the amount paid into the Fair and Exposition Fund shall be available for expenditure by the county for permanent improvements for fair purposes on the property of the county, the purchase of equipment for fair purposes, or the acquisition or […]
25904. (a) The board of supervisors may levy a special tax, pursuant to Article 3.5 (commencing with Section 50075) of Chapter 1 of Part 1 of Division 1 of Title 5, and spend the proceeds to encourage immigration, increase trade in the products of the state and of the county, and promote the industrial, livestock, agricultural, […]
25905. The board of supervisors may contract with a nonprofit corporation or association for the conducting of an agricultural fair, as agent of the county, for a period not exceeding five years. The contract may provide for the use, possession, and management of any public park or fairgrounds by the nonprofit corporation, as agent of […]
25906. The board of supervisors of a county may contract with a nonprofit corporation or association for the conducting of an agricultural fair in the county for the period and under those conditions as the board may determine. The contracts may provide for the use, possession, and management of any public park or fairgrounds by […]
25907. The board of supervisors of any county owning or operating any public park or recreation area, shall have authority: (a) to lease, let or grant licenses for the use of its real estate or personal property or any portion thereof for any agricultural, horticultural, viticultural or livestock fairs or expositions, rodeos, floral displays, dog […]
25908. The board of supervisors of any county owning fairgrounds and fairground facilities may (a) lease, let, or grant licenses for the use of its real estate or personal property or any portion thereof to private individuals or associations for whatever purpose may be approved by said board, which will not interfere with the use […]
25909. Notwithstanding any other provision of law and in accordance with procedures established by the board of directors, the board of directors of a fair that is operated pursuant to this article may enter into agreements to secure donations, memberships, and corporate and individual sponsorships, and may enter into marketing and licensing agreements for the […]