29080. On or before September 8 of each year, the board shall publish a notice in a newspaper of general circulation stating that: (a) The recommended budget documents are available to members of the public. (b) On the date stated in the notice, not fewer than 10 days after the recommended budget documents are available, and at […]
29081. The hearing may be continued from day to day until concluded, but not to exceed a total of 14 calendar days. (Amended by Stats. 2009, Ch. 332, Sec. 35. (SB 113) Effective January 1, 2010.)
29082. (a) At the hearing, the board of supervisors shall hear any official who wishes to be heard regarding the recommended budget for his or her budget unit. (b) At the time of the hearing, the board of supervisors may call in the official or person in charge of any budget unit concerning any matter relating to […]
29083. (a) The auditor, or a deputy designated by the auditor, shall attend the public hearing on the recommended budget, and shall furnish the board with any financial statements and data it requires. (b) It shall be the responsibility of the administrative officer or auditor to revise the recommended budget to reflect the actions of the board […]
29084. The budget may contain an appropriation or appropriations for contingencies in such amounts as the board deems sufficient. (Amended by Stats. 2009, Ch. 332, Sec. 38. (SB 113) Effective January 1, 2010.)
29085. The budget for each fund may contain nonspendable, restricted, committed, or assigned fund balance classifications in such amounts as the board deems sufficient. General reserves and stabilization arrangements may also be included as part of the restricted, committed, assigned, and unassigned fund balance. (Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 382, Sec. 1.8. (SB 194) Effective […]
29086. Except in cases of a legally declared emergency, as defined in Section 29127, the general reserve may only be established, canceled, increased, or decreased at the time of adopting the budget as provided in Section 29088. The general reserve may be increased any time during the fiscal year by a four-fifths vote of the […]
29088. After the conclusion of the hearing, and not later than October 2 of each year, and after making any revisions of, deductions from, or increases or additions to, the recommended budget it deems advisable during or after the public hearing, the board shall by resolution adopt the budget as finally determined. Increases or additions […]
29089. The resolution of adoption of the budget of the county, each dependent special district, and each other agency as defined in Section 29002, shall specify the following: (a) Appropriations by objects of expenditure within each budget unit, except for capital assets that are appropriated at the subobject level pursuant to Section 29008. (b) Other financing uses […]
29090. The adoption of the budget may be accomplished by a resolution in which the adoption is effectuated by reference to the financing uses in the budget as finally determined, provided that the minimum requirements set forth in Section 29089 are met in the budget document. If adopted by reference, the budget shall have the […]
29092. The board may set forth appropriations in greater detail than required in Section 29089 and may authorize any additional controls for the administration of the budget as it deems necessary. The board may designate a county official to exercise these administrative controls. (Amended by Stats. 2009, Ch. 332, Sec. 46. (SB 113) Effective January […]
29093. (a) A copy of the adopted budget in the format prescribed by the Controller shall be filed by the auditor in the office of the clerk of the board and the office of the Controller not later than December 1 of each year. (b) (1) If the auditor, after receipt of written notice from the Controller, fails […]