29916. Interest on the bonds shall not exceed 8 percent per annum, payable semiannually, except that interest for the first year after the date of the bonds may be made payable at the end of said year. (Amended by Stats. 1975, Ch. 130.)
29917. (a) The bonds shall be signed by the chairperson of the board of supervisors or by any other member thereof as the board of supervisors shall, by resolution adopted by a four-fifths vote of all its members, authorize and designate for that purpose, and also signed by the treasurer of the county, and shall be […]
29918. The bonds shall be sold at the times, in the amounts, and in the manner prescribed by the board, but for not less than par. (Added by Stats. 1947, Ch. 424.)
29919. At its option the board may use the following form of bond: “No. _________ $ _________ United States of AmericaCounty of ________State of California The County of ____, State of California, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay the bearer hereof, on the ____ day of ____, one thousand nine hundred ____ (here insert […]
29920. The interest coupon may be in the following form: “The County of ____, State of California, hereby promises to pay to the holder hereof, on the ____ day of ____, 19___, at ____ in ____, $____ in lawful money of the United States, for interest on its county bond, No. ______. _______, _______, County Auditor.” […]
29921. All premiums and accrued interest received shall be placed in the fund to be used for the payment of principal of and interest on the bonds, and the remainder of the proceeds of the bonds shall be placed in the treasury to the credit of the proper improvement fund and applied exclusively to the […]
29922. At the time of making the next general tax levy after incurring the bonded indebtedness, and annually thereafter until all of the bonds are paid or until there is a sum in the treasury set apart for that purpose sufficient to meet all principal and interest on the bonds, the board shall levy a […]
29923. The tax for interest and redemption of bonds shall be in addition to all other taxes, and shall not be less than sufficient to pay the interest on the bonds and such portion of the principal, if any, as is to become due before the time for making the next general tax levy. It […]
29924. When collected the tax shall be paid into the treasury of the county and used solely to pay the interest and principal of the bonds as they become due. (Added by Stats. 1947, Ch. 424.)
29924.5. (a) Prior to the issuance by a county of bonds pursuant to this chapter, the board may elect, by resolution, to guarantee payment on outstanding bonds of the county issued pursuant to this chapter in accordance with the following: (1) A county that elects to participate under this section shall provide notice to the Controller of […]
29925. If the board fails to make the levy necessary to pay the bond or interest coupons at maturity and any bond or interest coupon is presented to the treasurer and payment is refused, the owner may file the bond, together with all unpaid coupons, with the State Controller, taking his receipt therefor. The bonds […]
29926. The tax shall be levied and collected as a part of the state tax and paid into the State Treasury and passed to the special credit of the county as a bond tax. (Added by Stats. 1947, Ch. 424.)
29927. The payments shall be made, as they mature, by warrants to the holder of the registered obligations, as shown by the register in the office of the State Controller, until the obligations are fully satisfied and discharged, and any balance then remaining shall be passed to the general account and credit of the county. […]
29928. If any officer whose signature, counter-signature, or attestation appears on any county bond or coupon ceases to be such officer before the delivery of the bonds to the purchasers, the signature, counter-signature, or attestation appearing either on the bonds or the coupons, or on both, is valid and sufficient for all purposes to the […]
29929. The board may contract a bonded indebtedness for county purposes only as provided in this chapter. (Added by Stats. 1947, Ch. 424.)
29930. When the board of supervisors deems it in the best interests of the county, it may authorize the county treasurer, upon such terms and conditions as may be fixed by the board of supervisors, to issue notes, on a competitive-bid basis, maturing within a period not to exceed one year, in anticipation of the […]