US Lawyer Database

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Section 43600.

43600. As used in this article, “an issue of bonds” means the aggregate principal amount of all bonds authorized by a proposal approved by the city electors pursuant to this article. (Added by Stats. 1949, Ch. 79.)

Section 43601.

43601. As used in this article, “municipal improvement” includes bridges, waterworks, water rights, sewers, light and power works or plants, buildings for municipal uses, wharves, breakwaters, jetties, seawalls, schoolhouses, fire apparatus, street work, and other works, property, or structures necessary or convenient to carry out the objects, purposes, and powers of the city. “Municipal improvement” […]

Section 43602.

43602. Pursuant to this article, a city may incur indebtedness for any municipal improvement requiring an expenditure greater than the amount allowed for it by the annual tax levy. (Added by Stats. 1949, Ch. 79.)

Section 43602.5.

43602.5. (a) A city or a city and county may also incur indebtedness pursuant to this chapter for seismic strengthening of unreinforced buildings and other buildings. Proceeds of bonds authorized pursuant to this section may be used to make loans to public entities or owners of private buildings. Loans shall satisfy all of the following: (1) Any […]

Section 43603.

43603. When a city planning commission and the legislative body approve a group of municipal improvements as constituting a city plan, the legislative body may submit a single bond proposition covering the entire group of improvements. The provisions of Title 7 of this code shall not apply to the formulation and approval of a city […]

Section 43604.

43604. Such a city plan may include land for public use, public buildings including auditoriums and stadiums, parks, streets, transportation facilities and other municipal improvements. (Amended by Stats. 1949, Ch. 1050.)

Section 43605.

43605. A city shall not incur an indebtedness for public improvements which exceeds in the aggregate 15 percent of the assessed value of all real and personal property of the city. Within the meaning of this section “indebtedness” means bonded indebtedness of the city payable from the proceeds of taxes levied upon taxable property in […]

Section 43606.

43606. An indebtedness is incurred within the meaning of this article to the extent of the principal amount of bonds sold and delivered. (Added by Stats. 1949, Ch. 79.)

Section 43607.

43607. Proceedings are initiated when the city legislative body passes a resolution by a two-thirds vote of all its members determining that the public interest or necessity demands the acquisition, construction, or completion of any municipal improvement. (Added by Stats. 1949, Ch. 79.)

Section 43608.

43608. At any subsequent meeting, by a two-thirds vote of all its members, the legislative body may pass an ordinance ordering the submission of the proposition of incurring a bonded debt for the purpose set forth in said resolution to the qualified voters of the city at an election held for that purpose. (Amended by […]

Section 43609.

43609. Propositions for more than one object or purpose may be submitted at the same election. (Added by Stats. 1949, Ch. 79.)

Section 43610.

43610. The ordinance shall recite: (a) The object and purpose of incurring the indebtedness. (b) The estimated cost of the public improvements. (c) The amount of the principal of the indebtedness. (d) The rate or maximum rate of interest on the indebtedness, which shall not exceed 8 percent, and need not be recited if it does not exceed 41/2 […]

Section 43610.1.

43610.1. The ordinance may provide that the estimated cost stated therein of the public improvements includes any or all of the following: (a) Legal or other fees incidental to or connected with the authorization, issuance and sale of the bonds. (b) The costs of printing the bonds and other costs and expenses incidental to or connected with […]

Section 43611.

43611. The ordinance shall be published once a day for at least seven days in a newspaper published at least six days a week in the city, or once a week for two weeks in a newspaper published less than six days a week in the city. If there are no such newspapers, it shall […]

Section 43612.

43612. If an election called pursuant to this article is consolidated with any other election, the ordinance calling the bond election need not set forth the election precincts, polling places and officers of election but may provide that the precincts, polling places and officers of election shall be the same as those set forth in […]

Section 43613.

43613. Except as otherwise provided in the ordinance, the election shall be conducted as other city elections. (Amended by Stats. 1949, Ch. 1050.)

Section 43614.

43614. If two-thirds of the electors voting on the proposition vote for it, the bonds may be issued. (Added by Stats. 1949, Ch. 79.)

Section 43615.

43615. When two or more propositions for incurring indebtedness are submitted at the same election, the votes cast for and against each proposition shall be counted separately. (Added by Stats. 1949, Ch. 79.)

Section 43616.

43616. If any proposition is defeated by the electors, the legislative body shall not call another election on a substantially similar proposition to be held within six months after the prior election. If a petition requesting submission of such a proposition, signed by 15 percent of the city electors as shown by the votes cast […]

Section 43617.

43617. The legislative body shall prescribe the form of the bonds and interest coupons, and fix the date of the bonds. (Added by Stats. 1949, Ch. 79.)