53215. “Local agency” as used in this article means a city, city and county, district, school district, municipal or public corporation, political subdivision, or other public agency of the State, or any instrumentality of one or more of any such agencies. (Added by Stats. 1955, Ch. 924.)
53216. The legislative body of a local agency may establish a pension trust funded by individual life insurance contracts, individual annuities, group policies of life insurance, or group annuities, or any one or combination of them, or by any other investment authorized by this article for the benefit of its officers and employees. The legislative […]
53216.1. It is the intent of the Legislature, consistent with the mandate of the voters in passing Proposition 21 at the June 5, 1984, Primary Election, to allow the board of any retirement system governed by this article to invest in any form or type of investment deemed prudent by the board pursuant to the […]
53216.2. A county that has established a pension trust pursuant to this article may contract with the courts within the county, and with other local agencies within the county, to permit the officers and employees of those courts and local agencies to participate in any plan under the county’s pension trust. (Amended by Stats. 2002, […]
53216.3. The legislative body shall employ investment counsel or trust companies or trust departments of banks to render service in connection with its investment program. (Added by Stats. 1968, Ch. 1069.)
53216.4. The legislative body of the local agency shall report annually to the beneficiaries and potential beneficiaries of the pension trust on the status of the trust. The report shall include a description of securities held and a comprehensive report of transactions involving the investment of the assets similar to that required of a life […]
53216.5. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article and except as otherwise expressly restricted by the California Constitution and by law, the legislative body, trust, or other body, authorized to make investments for a pension trust, may invest, or delegate the authority to invest, the assets of the pension trust, through the purchase, holding, or […]
53216.6. The assets of the pension trust are trust funds and shall be held for the exclusive purposes of providing benefits to participants in the pension or retirement system and their beneficiaries and defraying reasonable expenses of administering the system. The legislative body, trust, or other body authorized to make investments for a pension trust, […]
53216.7. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the contrary, separate rates of contribution for male and female employees shall not be maintained or established nor shall different allowances or benefits for male or female employees be maintained or established. (Added by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1436.)
53216.8. In the case of a pension trust established pursuant to this article which provides for individual accounts and permits a participant or beneficiary to direct investments in his or her account, if a participant or beneficiary directs investments in his or her account, no person who is a corporate custodian or a corporate trustee […]
53216.9. (a) Any former member who left the service of a local agency with established reciprocity, and who became a member of a county retirement system, a retirement system established under the Public Employees’ Retirement Law, or another reciprocal retirement system and who did not elect to, or was not eligible to, leave his or her […]
53217. From funds under its jurisdiction the legislative body may authorize payment to the trust of amounts equaling all or any portion of the moneys necessary to fund any pension trust established pursuant to this article. The legislative body may also authorize payment of amounts to cover the reasonable expenses of the administration of the […]
53217.10. (a) On or after January 1, 2003, a member who is credited with less than the number of years of service required for vesting shall have the right to elect to leave accumulated contributions on deposit in the local agency’s retirement fund. Failure to make an election to withdraw accumulated contributions shall be deemed an […]
53217.5. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this section, to provide a uniform limit on the pension trust benefits for the members of the legislative bodies of all political subdivisions of the state, including charter cities and charter counties. The Legislature finds and declares that uneven, conflicting, and inconsistent pension trust benefits […]
53217.6. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this section to recognize a public obligation to all those whose duties as local prosecutors, local public defenders, and local public defender investigators expose them to more than ordinary risks in their contribution to an effective statewide criminal justice system and to ensure that those […]
53218. Any law prohibiting, restricting, or limiting the assignment of or order for wages or salary does not prohibit, restrict, or limit the powers conferred in this article nor the power of officers or employees to authorize and approve payment of trust contributions by wage and salary deductions. (Added by Stats. 1955, Ch. 924.)
53219. A pension trust established pursuant to this article shall have trustees, agents or officers who shall carry on the business of the pension trust. The by-laws or declaration of trust shall prescribe the manner in which and the officers or agents by whom the pension trust may be conducted and the manner in which […]
53220. Unless the legislative body of the local agency specifically provides that a pension trust plan established pursuant to this article is compulsory upon the officers and employees of the local agency, it shall not be compulsory for an officer or employee of such agency to accept or join in such plan. If, pursuant to […]
53221. The legislative body of the local agency which establishes a pension trust plan pursuant to the provisions of this article may provide for waiver of membership by prospective employees in the case of newly hired employees who have obtained the age of 60 years of age. Such legislative body may also provide that an […]
53222. The legislative body of a local agency which establishes a pension trust plan pursuant to the provisions of this article may grant reciprocal retirement benefits to members who are entitled to retirement rights or benefits from other retirement systems established under this article, Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 45300) of Division 5 of Title […]