53600. As used in this article, “local agency” means county, city, city and county, including a chartered city or county, school district, community college district, public district, county board of education, county superintendent of schools, or any public or municipal corporation. (Amended by Stats. 1987, Ch. 887, Sec. 2.)
53600.3. Except as provided in subdivision (a) of Section 27000.3, all governing bodies of local agencies or persons authorized to make investment decisions on behalf of those local agencies investing public funds pursuant to this chapter are trustees and therefore fiduciaries subject to the prudent investor standard. When investing, reinvesting, purchasing, acquiring, exchanging, selling, or […]
53600.5. When investing, reinvesting, purchasing, acquiring, exchanging, selling, or managing public funds, the primary objective of a trustee shall be to safeguard the principal of the funds under its control. The secondary objective shall be to meet the liquidity needs of the depositor. The third objective shall be to achieve a return on the funds […]
53600.6. The Legislature hereby finds that the solvency and creditworthiness of each individual local agency can impact the solvency and creditworthiness of the state and other local agencies within the state. Therefore, to protect the solvency and creditworthiness of the state and all of its political subdivisions, the Legislature hereby declares that the deposit and […]
53601. This section shall apply to a local agency that is a city, a district, or other local agency that does not pool money in deposits or investments with other local agencies, other than local agencies that have the same governing body. However, Section 53635 shall apply to all local agencies that pool money in […]
53601.1. The authority of a local agency to invest funds pursuant to Section 53601 includes, in addition thereto, authority to invest in financial futures or financial option contracts in any of the investment categories enumerated in that section. (Added by Stats. 1983, Ch. 534, Sec. 3.)
53601.2. As used in this article, “corporation” includes a limited liability company. (Added by Stats. 2004, Ch. 118, Sec. 18. Effective January 1, 2005.)
53601.5. The purchase by a local agency of any investment authorized pursuant to Section 53601 or 53601.1, not purchased directly from the issuer, shall be purchased either from an institution licensed by the state as a broker-dealer, as defined in Section 25004 of the Corporations Code, or from a member of a federally regulated securities […]
53601.6. (a) A local agency shall not invest any funds pursuant to this article or pursuant to Article 2 (commencing with Section 53630) in inverse floaters, range notes, or mortgage-derived, interest-only strips. (b) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), a local agency shall not invest any funds pursuant to this article or pursuant to Article 2 (commencing […]
53601.8. Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, a local agency that has the authority under law to invest funds, at its discretion, may invest a portion of its surplus funds in deposits at a commercial bank, savings bank, savings and loan association, or credit union that uses a private sector entity that assists in […]
53602. The legislative body shall invest only in notes, bonds, bills, certificates of indebtedness, warrants, or registered warrants which are legal investments for savings banks in the State, provided, that the board of supervisors of a county may, by a four-fifths vote thereof, invest in notes, warrants or other evidences of indebtedness of public districts […]
53603. The legislative body may make the investment by direct purchase of any issue of eligible securities at their original sale or after they have been issued. (Amended by Stats. 1953, Ch. 537.)
53604. The legislative body may sell, or exchange for other eligible securities, and reinvest the proceeds of, the securities purchased. (Amended by Stats. 1953, Ch. 537.)
53605. From time to time, the legislative body shall sell the securities so that the proceeds may be applied to the purposes for which the original purchase money was placed in the sinking fund or the treasury of the local agency. (Amended by Stats. 1953, Ch. 537.)
53606. The bonds purchased, which were issued by the purchaser, may be canceled either in satisfaction or sinking fund obligations or otherwise. When canceled, they are no longer outstanding, unless in its discretion, the legislative body holds then uncanceled. While held uncanceled, the bonds may be resold. (Added by Stats. 1949, Ch. 81.)
53607. The authority of the legislative body to invest or to reinvest funds of a local agency, or to sell or exchange securities so purchased, may be delegated for a one-year period by the legislative body to the treasurer of the local agency, who shall thereafter assume full responsibility for those transactions until the delegation […]
53608. The legislative body of a local agency may deposit for safekeeping with a federal or state association (as defined by Section 5102 of the Financial Code), a trust company or a state or national bank located within this state or with the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco or any branch thereof within this […]
53609. Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter or any other provisions of this code, funds held by a local agency pursuant to a written agreement between the agency and employees of the agency to defer a portion of the compensation otherwise receivable by the agency’s employees and pursuant to a plan for such deferral as […]
53610. (a) For purposes of this section, “Proposition 1A receivable” means the right to payment of moneys due or to become due to a local agency, pursuant to clause (iii) of subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 25.5 of Article XIII of the California Constitution and Section 100.06 of the Revenue and […]