64830. (a) Revenue generated pursuant to this part shall be used for the construction of new affordable housing, affordable housing preservation, tenant protection programs, planning and technical assistance related to affordable housing, and for other purposes, as provided for in this section. (b) For purposes of this section, “regional housing revenues” are those revenues generated pursuant to […]
64830.5. (a) (1) In this subdivision, “eligible jurisdictions” shall mean the following jurisdictions: (A) The councils of governments in Los Angeles County, excluding the jurisdictions described in subparagraphs (B) through (F), inclusive. (i) Funds, or a portion of the funds, provided to the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments may be allocated by the council to the San Gabriel […]
64831. The board shall monitor expenditures in coordination with local jurisdictions. At least once every five years, the monitoring shall include a review of revenues allocated to cities. The board may adopt guidelines applicable to those funds as deemed necessary to ensure they are spent in a timely manner consistent with the goals of this […]
64832. To ensure oversight and accountability, the agency shall prepare and submit an annual report to the Legislature, in conformance with Sections 9795 and 53411 on allocations and expenditures under its control, and those controlled by the county or a city pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 64830. The report shall include a description of […]