71620. (a) Each trial court may establish such job classifications and may appoint such trial court officers, deputies, assistants, and employees as are deemed necessary for the performance of the duties and the exercise of the powers conferred by law upon the trial court and its members. (b) Each trial court may appoint an executive or administrative […]
71622. (a) Each trial court may establish and may appoint any subordinate judicial officers that are deemed necessary for the performance of subordinate judicial duties, as authorized by law to be performed by subordinate judicial officers. However, the number and type of subordinate judicial officers in a trial court shall be subject to approval by the […]
71622.5. (a) The Legislature hereby declares that due to the need to implement the 2011 Realignment Legislation addressing public safety (Chapter 15 of the Statutes of 2011), it is the intent of the Legislature to afford the courts the maximum flexibility to manage the caseload in the manner that is most appropriate to each court. (b) Notwithstanding […]
71623. (a) Each trial court may establish a salary range for each of its employee classifications. Considerations shall include, but are not limited to, local market conditions and other local compensation-related issues such as difficulty of recruitment or retention. (b) All persons who are trial court employees as defined in Section 71601, as of the implementation date […]
71623.5. (a) As of July 1, 2001, trial courts shall provide workers’ compensation coverage for trial court employees under a workers’ compensation program established by the Administrative Office of the Courts or a program selected or approved by the Administrative Office of the Courts. The Judicial Council shall adopt rules of court requiring the Administrative Office […]
71624. (a) A county that contracts with the Board of Administration of the Public Employees’ Retirement System as of the implementation date of this chapter and the trial court located within that county shall establish a joint contract with the county under Section 20460.1 and subdivision (b) of Section 20469.1 in accordance with the pertinent provisions […]
71625. (a) Trial court policies related to accrued leave benefits, including the type and accrual rate of accrued leave benefits, in effect on the implementation date of this chapter shall remain in effect unless modified pursuant to subdivision (c). (b) The implementation of this chapter shall not cause a termination of employment and rehire for purposes of […]
71626. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, with respect to benefits which those persons who are trial court employees on and after the implementation date of this chapter would receive upon retirement, the following provisions shall apply: (a) As provided in Section 71612, the implementation of this chapter shall not be a cause for the modification […]
71626.1. (a) Any trial court receiving cleaning or maintenance services from persons employed directly by the court or county shall continue to receive those services from persons employed directly by a trial court or county in which the trial court is located. (b) If the trial court replaces the county in providing cleaning or maintenance services, county […]
71626.5. (a) As of the implementation date of this chapter: (1) If a trial court employee receives county retiree group insurance benefits pursuant to Section 71626 and that county funds retiree group insurance benefits from excess funds in the county’s retirement system, or prefunds retiree group insurance benefits, the county or county retirement board shall administer retiree […]
71627. Notwithstanding any other provision of law: (a) As provided in Section 71612, the implementation of this chapter shall not be a cause for the modification of the level of federally regulated benefits provided to a trial court employee. The level of federally regulated benefits provided to a trial court employee as of the implementation date […]
71628. Notwithstanding any other provision of law: (a) As provided in Section 71612, the implementation of this chapter shall not be a cause for the modification of the level of deferred compensation plan benefits provided to a trial court employee. If the same deferred compensation plan benefits are not permitted by law or the plan vendor, […]
71629. Except as provided in Sections 71624, 71625, 71626, 71626.5, 71627, and 71628, and notwithstanding any other provision of law: (a) As provided in Section 71612, the implementation of this chapter shall not be a cause for the modification of the level of trial court employment benefits. If the same trial court employment benefits are not […]