1200. (a) As used in this chapter, “clinic” means an organized outpatient health facility that provides direct medical, surgical, dental, optometric, or podiatric advice, services, or treatment to patients who remain less than 24 hours, and that may also provide diagnostic or therapeutic services to patients in the home as an incident to care provided at […]
1200.1. (a) As used in this chapter, “clinic” also means an organized outpatient health facility which, pursuant to Section 1204.1, provides direct psychological advice, services, or treatment to patients who remain less than 24 hours, and which may also provide diagnostic or therapeutic services authorized under Chapter 6.6 (commencing with Section 2900) of Division 2 […]
1201. “License” means a basic permit to operate a clinic. A license may only be granted to a clinic of a type enumerated in Section 1204 or 1204.1, and the license shall not be transferable. However, the issuance of a license upon a change of ownership shall not of itself constitute a project within the […]
1201.5. “Nonprofit speech and hearing center” means a nonprofit agency which provides an integrated program of speech pathology and audiology services in an outpatient setting designed to improve the functioning of persons with communicative disorders. A nonprofit speech and hearing center provides diagnostic and therapeutic services for such individuals, together with related counseling, pursuant to […]
1202. “Special permit” means a permit issued in addition to a license authorizing the clinic to offer one or more special services, as defined in Section 1203 or regulations adopted pursuant thereto. (Repealed and added by Stats. 1978, Ch. 1147.)
1203. “Special service” means a functional division, department, or unit of a clinic, or a clinic that is organized, staffed, and equipped to provide a specific type or types of care which have been identified by this section or by regulations of the state department, and for which the state department has established special standards […]
1204. Clinics eligible for licensure pursuant to this chapter are primary care clinics and specialty clinics. (a) (1) Only the following defined classes of primary care clinics shall be eligible for licensure: (A) A “community clinic” means a clinic operated by a tax-exempt nonprofit corporation that is supported and maintained in whole or in part […]
1204.1. In addition to the primary care clinics and specialty clinics specified in Section 1204, clinics eligible for licensure pursuant to this chapter include psychology clinics. A “psychology clinic” is a clinic which provides psychological advice, services, or treatment to patients, under the direction of a clinical psychologist as defined in Section 1316.5, and is […]
1204.2. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, and except as provided in subdivision (c), a primary care clinic described in subdivision (a) of Section 1204 that is licensed pursuant to this chapter shall not be required to enter into a written transfer agreement with a nearby hospital as a condition of licensure. (b) (1) A primary care clinic shall […]
1204.3. (a) An alternative birth center that is licensed as an alternative birth center specialty clinic pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (b) of Section 1204 shall, as a condition of licensure, and a primary care clinic licensed pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 1204 that provides services as an alternative birth center shall, meet all […]
1204.4. The State Department of Health Services shall provide information to the California Health Facilities Financing Authority with respect to primary care clinic grant applicants for capital outlay projects as specified in Section 15438.6 of the Government Code. (Added by Stats. 2000, Ch. 99, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 2001.)
1204.5. A primary care clinic may submit verification of certification from the Joint Commission, the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC), or any other accrediting organization recognized by the department to the Licensing and Certification Division within the State Department of Public Health for entry into the electronic Licensing Management System for purposes of […]
1205. Except as provided in Section 1206, no person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, or public agency shall operate, establish, manage, conduct or maintain a clinic in this state without first obtaining a license therefor as provided in this chapter; nor shall any such person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, or public agency provide any special service […]
1205.5. A clinic that has been verified by the Licensing and Certification Division of the State Department of Health Services and the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development as having (1) provided chronic dialysis and (2) been licensed as an outpatient clinic, before September 26, 1978, shall not be required to have a certificate […]
1206. This chapter does not apply to the following: (a) Except with respect to the option provided with regard to surgical clinics in paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section 1204 and, further, with respect to specialty clinics specified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 1204, any place or establishment owned or leased and […]
1206.1. The provisions of this chapter do not require licensure of any place or establishment owned or leased and operated as a clinic or office by one or more licensed psychologists and used as an office for the practice of psychology, regardless of the name used publicly to identify such place or establishment. (Added by […]
1207. The state department shall inspect and license clinics, and shall inspect and approve clinics to offer special services. (Added by Stats. 1978, Ch. 1147.)
1208. The state department may provide consulting services upon request to any clinic to assist in the identification or correction of deficiencies or the upgrading of the quality of care provided by the clinic. (Added by Stats. 1978, Ch. 1147.)
1209. This chapter does not authorize any person other than a licensed practitioner of a healing art, or any corporation except charitable or professional corporations as expressly provided in this chapter, to furnish to any person any advice, services, or treatment within the scope of such professional licensure. This chapter does not authorize any person, […]
1210. (a) A chronic dialysis clinic shall not steer, direct, or advise a patient regarding any specific coverage program option or health care service plan contract. (b) A chronic dialysis clinic shall post a notice in a prominent location visible to all patients displayed in large font type that questions about Medicare coverage for patients with end […]