1567.90. (a) This article does not require a facility to accept, store, or retain firearms or ammunition. (b) The department shall promulgate regulations to implement this article. (c) Until regulations are adopted, the department may implement and administer the provisions of this article through the issuance of written directives that have the same force and effect as regulations. […]
1567.91. As used in this article, the following terms have the following meanings: (a) “Firearm” means a device, designed to be used as a weapon, from which is expelled through a barrel, a projectile by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion, including the frame or receiver of the device. (b) “Ammunition” means one […]
1567.92. A licensee that permits clients to possess firearms on the facility premises shall do all of the following: (a) Accept and centrally store a client’s firearm, ammunition, or both. (b) Retain and centrally store a licensee’s firearm, ammunition, or both. (c) Clients’ and licensees’ firearms, ammunition, or both shall be centrally stored in the facility and in […]
1567.93. (a) A licensee shall not accept, retain, or store any deadly weapon, as defined in Section 1567.91, of a client or licensee. (b) A licensee shall not accept, retain, or store any of the following firearms owned or possessed by a client or licensee: (1) A firearm regulated pursuant to Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 18710) of […]
1567.94. The acceptance or storage of a client’s firearm by a licensee at a facility in accordance with this article, or the retention and storage of a client’s firearm, shall not constitute a loan, sale, receipt, or transfer of a firearm within the meaning of Sections 26500, 27545, or subdivision (a) of Section 31615 of […]