1747. (a) No person, political subdivision of the state, or other governmental agency, that is not operating a hospice as of January 1, 1991, shall establish or operate a hospice without first obtaining a license under this chapter. (b) Any person, political subdivision of the state, or other governmental agency, that is operating a hospice […]
1747.1. A hospice program certified in accordance with federal Medicare hospice conditions of participation shall be exempt from subdivision (a) of Section 1747, but shall be subject to Section 1726 unless it elects to apply for hospice licensure. A hospice program that elects to apply for hospice licensure shall thereafter be subject to all the […]
1747.3. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, beginning January 1, 2018, a licensee pursuant to this chapter may provide any interdisciplinary hospice services described in this chapter, including, but not limited to, palliative care, to a patient with a serious illness as determined by the physician and surgeon in charge of the care of the patient, including, […]
1747.5. Each hospice licensed pursuant to this chapter shall maintain, and revise as needed, and implement policies regarding the purchase, storage, furnishing, and transportation of legend devices that are reviewed annually by a group of professional personnel, including a physician and surgeon, a pharmacist, and a registered nurse, and are revised as needed. As used […]
1748. (a) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (b) or (d) of Section 1747, no person, political subdivision of the state, or other governmental agency shall establish, conduct, maintain, or represent itself as a hospice agency unless a license has been issued under this chapter. Multiple locations need not obtain a separate license. Multiple locations shall […]
1749. (a) To qualify for a license under this chapter, an applicant shall satisfy all of the following: (1) Be of good moral character. If the applicant is a franchise, franchisee, firm, association, organization, partnership, business trust, corporation, company, political subdivision of the state, or governmental agency, the person in charge of the hospice for which the […]
1749.5. The Legislature recognizes that hospices can apply for certification for their hospice programs from the federal Medicare program. If the department has determined during any combined licensing and certification survey that a hospice is in substantial compliance with a requirement, the department shall not be redundant by also reviewing the similar licensing or certification […]
1751. (a) Upon an applicant’s filing an application for licensure under this chapter and compliance with this chapter and the rules and regulations adopted by the state department under this chapter, the state department shall issue to the applicant a license to operate as a hospice. Any fees required pursuant to Section 1750 shall be […]
1751.5. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the department shall issue a license to a hospice agency that applies to the department for a hospice agency license and meets all of the following requirements: (1) Is accredited as a hospice by an entity approved by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as a […]