46000. The Legislature hereby finds and declares that: (a) Excessive noise is a serious hazard to the public health and welfare. (b) Exposure to certain levels of noise can result in physiological, psychological, and economic damage. (c) There is a continuous and increasing bombardment of noise in the urban, suburban, and rural areas. (d) Government […]
46001. No provision of this division or ruling of the Office of Noise Control is a limitation or expansion: (a) On the power of a city, county, or city and county to adopt and enforce additional regulations, not in conflict therewith, imposing further conditions, restrictions, or limitations. (b) On the power of any city, county, […]
46002. Nothing in this division shall be construed as giving the Office of Noise Control authority or responsibility for adopting or enforcing noise-emission standards for any product for which a regulation has been, or could be, prescribed or promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency under the Noise Control Act of 1972. (Added by Stats. 1975, […]