7600. Every person who is engaged in the business of loading or unloading ships or vessels, or who is authorized or contracts to load or unload a ship or vessel, or who is in charge of a ship or vessel while it is being loaded or unloaded, and such ship or vessel has a carrying […]
7601. Handtrucks shall be maintained in a safe condition by the employer. Handles shall be maintained free of hazardous burrs, splinters, cracks or splits. (Repealed and added by Stats. 1967, Ch. 398.)
7602. Handtools shall be kept in good condition and be safely stored by the employer. Unsafe handtools shall not be used. (Repealed and added by Stats. 1967, Ch. 398.)
7603. The maximum weight of materials stored on building floors or load-carrying platforms, except those built directly on the ground, shall not exceed their safe carrying capacity. Material, when stored, shall be piled, stacked, or racked in a manner designed to prevent it from tipping, falling, collapsing, rolling or spreading. Racks, bins, planks, sleepers, bars, […]
7604. Adequate and substantial bull rails, stringer rails or curbs shall be installed at the waterside of all flush aprons on such wharves, docks or piers as are in active service for movement of cargo therefrom to vessels. This section shall not apply to any pier designed with depressed spur tracks on at least one […]
7605. The employer shall require that tools, machinery, gear and other equipment subject to wear be inspected at adequate intervals and unsafe conditions corrected. If tools, machinery, gear or equipment are found to be defective or otherwise unsafe, employees shall report the same to the person in charge of work who shall have it discarded, […]
7606. Every dock plate shall be constructed and maintained with strength sufficient to support the load carried thereon. Dock plates shall be secured in position when spanning the space between the dock or the unloading platform and the vehicle. The dock plate, together with its securing devices, where used over spans of different lengths, shall […]
7607. Internal combustion engine-driven equipment shall be operated inside of buildings or enclosed structures only when such operation does not result in harmful exposure to concentration of dangerous gases or fumes in excess of maximum acceptable concentrations. Exhaust pipes shall be installed in such a manner that the exhaust products shall be discharged so as […]
7608. Any person who violates any provisions of this part is guilty of a misdemeanor. (Added by renumbering Section 7601 by Stats. 1963, Ch. 928.)
7609. The provisions of Sections 7601 to 7607, inclusive, shall be applicable to longshore and stevedore operations. (Repealed and added by Stats. 1967, Ch. 398.)
7611. Nothing in the foregoing sections of this part shall limit the authority of the division to prescribe or enforce general or special safety orders. (Repealed and added by Stats. 1967, Ch. 398.)