30260. Coastal-dependent industrial facilities shall be encouraged to locate or expand within existing sites and shall be permitted reasonable long-term growth where consistent with this division. However, where new or expanded coastal-dependent industrial facilities cannot feasibly be accommodated consistent with other policies of this division, they may nonetheless be permitted in accordance with this section […]
30261. Multicompany use of existing and new tanker facilities shall be encouraged to the maximum extent feasible and legally permissible, except where to do so would result in increased tanker operations and associated onshore development incompatible with the land use and environmental goals for the area. New tanker terminals outside of existing terminal areas shall […]
30262. (a) Oil and gas development shall be permitted in accordance with Section 30260, if the following conditions are met: (1) The development is performed safely and consistent with the geologic conditions of the well site. (2) New or expanded facilities related to that development are consolidated, to the maximum extent feasible and legally permissible, unless consolidation will […]
30263. (a) New or expanded refineries or petrochemical facilities not otherwise consistent with the provisions of this division shall be permitted if (1) alternative locations are not feasible or are more environmentally damaging; (2) adverse environmental effects are mitigated to the maximum extent feasible; (3) it is found that not permitting such development would adversely affect […]
30264. Notwithstanding any other provision of this division except subdivisions (b) and (c) of Section 30413, new or expanded thermal electric generating plants may be constructed in the coastal zone if the proposed coastal site has been determined by the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission to have greater relative merit pursuant to the […]
30265. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following: (a) Transportation studies have concluded that pipeline transport of oil is generally both economically feasible and environmentally preferable to other forms of crude oil transport. (b) Oil companies have proposed to build a pipeline to transport offshore crude oil from central California to southern California refineries, and […]
30265.5. (a) The Governor, or the Governor’s designee, shall coordinate activities concerning the transport and refining of offshore oil. Coordination efforts shall consider public health risks, the ability to achieve short-term and long-term air emission reduction goals, the potential for reducing California’s vulnerability and dependence on oil imports, economic development and jobs, and other factors deemed […]