132820. The commission may do any of the following: (a) Use up to 3 percent of the revenues in the local transportation fund for purposes of carrying out its transportation planning and programming responsibilities. (b) Sue and be sued. (c) Enter into contracts with qualified vendors to further the purposes of the commission. (d) Do any and all things […]
132822. (a) The commission, in cooperation with local agencies that elect to participate, may, within the boundaries of the County of Imperial, assist those agencies in the coordination, administration, and implementation of programs and policies. (b) (1) The commission may evaluate, develop, and implement nontransportation programs that it determines would provide local benefits by consolidating and sharing costs […]
132824. The commission shall undertake the following: (a) Prepare a short-range transportation plan that includes the development and approval of a three- to five-year transportation improvement program, as follows: (1) The transportation improvement program shall apply to all projects funded with federal, state, and local funds. (2) The transportation improvement program shall be developed in coordination and […]