142250. (a) A retail transactions and use tax ordinance, applicable in the incorporated and unincorporated territory of the county may be imposed by the authority in accordance with Section 142262 of this code and Part 1.6 (commencing with Section 7251) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, if two-thirds of the electors voting on […]
142251. The authority, in the retail transactions and use tax ordinance, shall state the nature of the tax to be imposed, shall provide the tax rate or rates or the maximum tax rate or rates, shall specify the purposes for which the revenue derived from the tax will be used, and may set a term, […]
142252. (a) The county shall conduct an election called by the board of supervisors to implement this chapter pursuant to Section 142250, and the authority shall reimburse the county for the county’s costs in conducting the election. (b) The election shall be called and conducted in the same manner as provided by law for the conduct of […]
142253. Any retail transactions and use tax ordinance adopted pursuant to this chapter shall be operative on the first day of the first calendar quarter commencing more than 120 days after adoption of the ordinance. (Added by Stats. 1986, Ch. 301, Sec. 4. Effective July 14, 1986. Repealed on date prescribed in Section 142010.)
142254. The revenues from the retail transactions and use taxes imposed pursuant to this chapter may be allocated by the authority for the administration of this division and for transportation improvement purposes, including administration of this division, legal actions related thereto, planning, environmental reviews, design, construction, and repair. (Amended by Stats. 2001, Ch. 474, Sec. […]
142255. A county transportation expenditure plan shall be prepared by the transportation planning agency for the expenditure of the revenues expected to be derived from the tax imposed pursuant to this chapter, together with other federal, state, and local funds expected to be available for transportation improvements, for the period during which the tax is […]
142256. (a) A county transportation expenditure plan shall not be adopted by the authority until it has received the approval of the board of supervisors and of the city councils representing both a majority of the cities in the county and a majority of the population residing in the incorporated areas of the county. (b) The plan […]
142257. (a) The expenditure plan shall specify the amount and the formula by which the retail transactions and use tax shall be allocated to each city and the county for local transportation purposes determined to be priority projects by local governments to which funds are allocated. For purposes of this subdivision, the population of the county […]
142258. (a) Except as otherwise provided by Section 142260, the transportation planning agency may amend the expenditure plan. The transportation planning agency, at a minimum, shall review biennially and assess the needs for transportation improvements contained in the expenditure plan as specified in Section 142255. As part of this review and assessment, the transportation planning agency […]
142259. Amendments to the expenditure plan adopted pursuant to Section 142255 are to provide for the use of additional federal, state, and local funds, to account for unexpected revenues, or to take into consideration unforeseen circumstances. The transportation planning agency shall take all appropriate actions to give highest priority to the projects in the initial […]
142260. (a) The authority may, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members, approve the updated expenditure plan adopted pursuant to Section 142258. (b) The authority may amend the expenditure plan adopted pursuant to Section 142258, if required, subject to all of the following conditions: (1) The authority shall take all appropriate actions to give highest […]
142261. If a retail transactions and use tax is adopted pursuant to this chapter, the authority shall prepare and submit a report to the Department of Transportation, to the board of supervisors, to the city council of each city in the county, and to the transportation planning agency, on or before each January 1 after […]
142262. The authority, subject to the approval of the voters, may impose the retail transactions and use tax at a maximum rate of one-half of 1 percent under this chapter and Part 1.6 (commencing with Section 7251) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, and may state the maximum tax rate in terms […]
142263. (a) The board of supervisors, or its designee, as part of the ballot proposition to approve the imposition of a retail transactions and use tax, shall seek authorization from the electors to issue bonds payable solely from the proceeds of the tax. (b) The maximum bonded indebtedness which may be authorized shall be an amount equal […]
142264. (a) The bonds authorized by the voters concurrently with the approval of the retail transactions and use tax may be issued by the authority at any time, and from time to time, payable solely from the proceeds of the tax. The bonds shall be referred to as “limited tax bonds.” (b) The pledge of the tax […]
142265. Limited tax bonds shall be issued pursuant to a resolution adopted at any time by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the authority. Each resolution shall provide for the issuance of bonds in the amounts as may be necessary, until the full amount of the bonds authorized have been issued. […]
142266. (a) A resolution authorizing the issuance of limited tax bonds shall state all of the following: (1) The purpose for which the proposed debt is to be incurred, which may include all costs and estimated costs incidental to or connected with the accomplishment of those purposes, including, without limitation, engineering, inspection, legal, fiscal agents, financial consultant […]
142267. The bonds shall bear interest at a rate or rates not exceeding the maximum allowable by law, payable semiannually, except that the first interest payable on the bonds, or any series thereof, may be for any period not exceeding one year, as determined by the authority. (Added by Stats. 1986, Ch. 301, Sec. 4. […]
142268. In the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds, the authority may also provide for call and redemption of the bonds prior to maturity at the times and prices and upon other terms as specified. However, no bond is subject to call or redemption prior to maturity unless it contains a recital to that […]
142269. The principal of, and interest on, the bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States at the office of the auditor-controller-treasurer of the county and other places as may be designated by the authority. (Added by Stats. 1986, Ch. 301, Sec. 4. Effective July 14, 1986. Repealed on date prescribed in […]