5680. The superintendent of streets shall keep a public office in some convenient place within the city, and shall keep such records as may be required by this division. The records so kept and signed by him shall have the same force and effect as other public records, and copies therefrom duly certified, may be […]
5681. The superintendent of streets shall see that the laws, ordinances, orders, and regulations relating to the public streets are fully carried into execution, and that the penalties thereof are rigidly enforced. He shall keep himself informed of the condition of all the public streets and also of all public buildings, parks, lots, and grounds […]
5682. The superintendent of streets shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, give bonds to the city, with such sureties and for such sums as may be required by the legislative body. If he fails to see that the laws, ordinances, orders, and regulations relating to the public streets are carried into execution, […]
5683. The superintendent of streets shall superintend and direct the cleaning of all sewers, and the expense of the same shall be paid out of the street or sewer fund of the city. (Added by Stats. 1941, Ch. 79.)
5684. If the superintendent of streets is required to give notice in writing to any person under this division, he may personally serve such notice, and certify to the fact of such service, or any person, with the permission of the superintendent of streets, may serve such notice and such person shall file an affidavit […]
5685. The superintendent of streets shall keep a record of the service of all notices which are served by him or with his permission. (Added by Stats. 1941, Ch. 79.)
5686. For all purposes and in all cases where a verification is required under this division, such verification may be made before the superintendent of streets who is hereby authorized to administer oaths for that purpose, or before any other person authorized to administer oaths. (Added by Stats. 1941, Ch. 79.)