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Home » US Law » 2022 California Code » Streets and Highways Code - SHC » DIVISION 7 - THE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 » PART 3 - PERFORMING THE WORK » CHAPTER 28 - Conversion of Existing Overhead Electric and Communication Facilities to Underground Locations

Section 5896.1.

5896.1. The Legislature finds that, in many areas of the state, landowners, cities, public agencies, and public utilities desire to convert existing overhead electric and communication facilities to underground locations by means of special assessment proceedings. The Legislature hereby declares that a public purpose will be served by providing a procedure to accomplish this conversion […]

Section 5896.10.

5896.10. If the work or improvement consists solely of a conversion, and the work or improvement is performed by a public utility, cable operator, or public agency, the resolution of intention shall provide that (a) the warrant, assessment, and diagram or (b) any bonds issued or to be issued to represent unpaid assessments, or both (a) and […]

Section 5896.11.

5896.11. If the city furnishes electric or communication service by means of electric or communication facilities owned or operated by the city, the legislative body, in the resolution ordering work, may provide that the work or improvement of conversion shall be performed for the price or prices specified in the resolution by the city or […]

Section 5896.13.

5896.13. If the work or improvement consists solely of conversion of electric or communication facilities owned or operated by the city and the legislative body has provided that such work or improvement shall be performed by the city or any department, agency, commission or officer of the city, the warrant, assessment and diagram and all […]

Section 5896.14.

5896.14. (a) Subject to applicable rules, regulations, tariffs, or ordinances, all electric or communication facilities, including connections to the owner’s premises, located upon any lot or parcel of land within the assessment district shall be constructed, reconstructed, relocated, or converted by the owner of the lot or parcel at his or her own expense. This work […]

Section 5896.15.

5896.15. Any written request executed pursuant to Section 5896.14 shall be filed with the clerk not later than the date fixed for commencement of construction of the conversion. A written request executed after such date shall not be accepted for filing by the clerk unless it shall contain the written approval of the contractor, public […]

Section 5896.16.

5896.16. The clerk shall mail a notice to each owner of a lot or parcel of land within the assessment district advising him of the provisions of Sections 5896.14 and 5896.15 and stating that unless such owner complies with the requirements of such sections all buildings, structures and improvements located upon the lot or parcel […]

Section 5896.17.

5896.17. If the owner of any lot or parcel of land shall fail to comply with the requirements of Sections 5896.14 and 5896.15, the city may order the disconnection and removal of all overhead electric or communication facilities providing service to any building, structure or improvement located upon such lot or parcel. Written notice of […]

Section 5896.2.

5896.2. As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases, and any variants thereof, are defined as follows: “Cable operator” has the same meaning as defined in Section 5830 of the Public Utilities Code. “Cable television service” has the same meaning as “cable service” as defined in Section 5830 of the Public Utilities Code. […]

Section 5896.3.

5896.3. In addition to proceedings for types of work or improvement authorized elsewhere in this division, proceedings may be taken for the conversion of existing electric or communication facilities and the construction, reconstruction or relocation of any other electric or communications facilities which may be incidental thereto. (Added by Stats. 1966, 1st Ex. Sess., Ch. […]

Section 5896.4.

5896.4. Except as otherwise expressly provided by this chapter, a proceeding for a conversion shall be conducted and completed in accordance with the procedure specified elsewhere in this division. All of the provisions of this division shall be applicable to a proceeding for a conversion. This chapter does not affect any other law relating to […]

Section 5896.5.

5896.5. Proceedings for a conversion shall be initiated by either a petition or by a determination of the legislative body. (a) In order to initiate proceedings, a petition shall: (1) Describe the proposed assessment district, as provided in Section 5181. (2) Generally describe the proposed conversion. (3) Request that proceedings for such conversion be taken pursuant to this division. […]

Section 5896.6.

5896.6. A petition for proceedings for conversion shall be signed by not less than five owners of assessable land in the proposed assessment district, as shown by the last equalized assessment roll used by the city, owning lands constituting more than one-half of the area of all assessable lands within the proposed assessment district. (Amended […]

Section 5896.7.

5896.7. The petition shall be filed with the clerk, who shall thereupon check or cause said petition to be checked. If the petition is signed by the requisite number of qualified signers, the clerk shall execute a certificate of sufficiency and present said petition and certificate to the legislative body. (Added by Stats. 1966, 1st […]

Section 5896.8.

5896.8. Upon presentation of the petition and certificate of sufficiency or upon a determination pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 5896.5, the legislative body may adopt a resolution declaring its intention to order the conversion. (Amended by Stats. 1972, Ch. 148.)

Section 5896.9.

5896.9. (a) In a proceeding for a conversion, the city and any public utility, cable operator, or public agency supplying electric service, cable television service, or communication service within the city, by agreement, may provide that, upon confirmation of the assessment, the public utility, cable operator, or public agency shall have legal title to the electric […]