5221.5. In lieu of hearing and passing upon protests as provided in Section 5221, the legislative body may continue the hearing of protests to a day certain and refer the protests to the superintendent of streets for investigation, report and recommendation as to the improvement and matters included in the protests. The report and recommendation […]
5223. If it shall be necessary, in order to find whether a majority protest exists, to determine whether any or all of the signers of written protests are the “owners” of property to be assessed, the legislative body shall make such determination from the last equalized assessment roll, any written evidence submitted with a written […]
5225. If no protests or objections in writing have been delivered to the clerk up to the hour set for the hearing thereon or if protests have been found by the legislative body to be insufficient, or have been overruled, or if protests against the extent of the proposed district have been heard and denied, […]
5227. Nothing in this act contained shall prohibit the legislative body, within said one-year period referred to in Section 5222 hereof, from commencing and carrying on new proceedings for the construction of a portion of the improvement so protested against if it finds, by the affirmative vote of four-fifths of its members, that the owners […]