79550. The sum of eight hundred twenty-five million dollars ($825,000,000) shall be available for appropriation by the Legislature from the fund for the balanced implementation of the CALFED Bay-Delta Program. Expenditures and grants pursuant to this chapter shall be limited to the following: (a) Fifty million dollars ($50,000,000) for surface water storage planning and feasibility studies. […]
79551. All appropriations pursuant to this chapter shall include money for independent scientific review, monitoring, and assessment of the results or effectiveness of the project or program expenditure. (Added November 5, 2002, by initiative Proposition 50.)
79552. All projects financed pursuant to this chapter shall be consistent with the CALFED Programmatic Record of Decision including its provisions regarding finance and balanced implementation. (Added November 5, 2002, by initiative Proposition 50.)
79553. Consistent with the CALFED Programmatic Record of Decision, priority shall be given to projects that achieve multiple benefits across CALFED program elements. Not more than 5 percent of the money available pursuant to this chapter may be used for administrative costs. (Added November 5, 2002, by initiative Proposition 50.)
79554. All real property acquired with money appropriated or granted pursuant to subdivision (e) or (f) of Section 79550 shall be acquired from willing sellers. (Added November 5, 2002, by initiative Proposition 50.)
79555. For the 2004–05 fiscal year, and each fiscal year thereafter, not less than 50 percent of the funds made available pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 79550 for acquisition of water for the CALFED environmental water account shall be expended for long-term water purchase contracts, permanent water rights, and associated costs. (Amended by Stats. […]