19400. It is the purpose of this chapter to extend the opportunities for individuals with disabilities for employment through encouragement of local communities to develop rehabilitation programs and to provide the state with information concerning their effectiveness in providing employment and rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities. (Amended by Stats. 1993, Ch. 937, Sec. 23. […]
19401. The department may provide consultive services to organizations in the establishment and operation of community rehabilitation programs for individuals with disabilities. These consultive service shall include the bringing together of persons interested in the established community rehabilitation programs, surveying community needs, securing the cooperation of other community agencies, planning methods of financing, securing work […]
19402. The department may contract with qualified persons or firms for consultation in such technical fields as accounting, engineering and sales so that the directors and governing bodies of the community rehabilitation programs may be advised as to the desirability of any undertaking and the best methods of achieving their objectives. (Amended by Stats. 1993, […]
19403. It is the intent of the Legislature to encourage state organizations, cities, counties, districts, and other political subdivisions to purchase products manufactured by and services provided by public or private nonprofit California corporations operating workshops serving individuals with disabilities whenever it is feasible to do so and the proximity of the public or private […]
19404. Any state agency, city or county, political subdivision, or district of this state may, without advertising or calling for bids, purchase materials and supplies manufactured and services provided by public or private nonprofit California corporations operating community rehabilitation programs serving persons with disabilities who have indicated an interest in supplying those goods and services […]