5852. There is hereby established an interagency system of care for children with serious emotional and behavioral disturbances that provides comprehensive, coordinated care based on the demonstration project under former Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 5575), as added by Chapter 160 of the Statutes of 1987, and the former 1983 State Department of Mental Health […]
5852.5. The State Department of Health Care Services, in consultation with the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission shall review those counties that have been awarded funds to implement a comprehensive system for the delivery of mental health services to children with serious emotional disturbance and to their families or foster families to determine […]
5853. County participation under this part shall be voluntary. (Repealed and added by Stats. 1992, Ch. 1229, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 1993.)
5854. The State Department of Health Care Services may contract with counties whose programs have been approved by the department and selected pursuant to Article 4 (commencing with Section 5857). A county may request to participate under this part each year according to the terms set forth in Section 5705 for the purpose of establishing […]
5855. The State Department of Health Care Services shall adopt as part of its overall mission the development of community-based, comprehensive, interagency systems of care that target seriously emotionally and behaviorally disturbed children separated from their families or at risk of separation from their families, as defined in Section 5856. These comprehensive, interagency systems of […]
5855.5. (a) Projects funded pursuant to Part 4 (commencing with Section 5850) of Division 5, as added by Chapter 89 of the Statutes of 1991, shall continue under the terms of this part. (b) The State Department of Health Care Services shall negotiate with each participating county to establish appropriate evaluation measures for the county’s children’s system […]