Section 15850.
15850. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the County Health Initiative Matching Fund. (Added by Stats. 2014, Ch. 31, Sec. 89. (SB 857) Effective June 20, 2014. Section operative July 1, 2014, pursuant to Section 15864.)
15850. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the County Health Initiative Matching Fund. (Added by Stats. 2014, Ch. 31, Sec. 89. (SB 857) Effective June 20, 2014. Section operative July 1, 2014, pursuant to Section 15864.)
15850.1. For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply: (a) “Administrative costs” means those expenses that are described in Section 1397ee(a)(1)(D) of Title 42 of the United States Code. (b) “Applicant” means a county, county agency, a local initiative, or a county organized health system. (c) “Department” means the State Department of Health Care Services. (d) “Child” […]
15850.5. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, except as provided in subdivision (b), each applicant who was participating in the County Health Initiative Matching Fund on March 23, 2010, pursuant to Part 6.4 (commencing with Section 12699.50) of Division 2 of the Insurance Code, shall participate in the program established by this chapter, maintaining eligibility standards, methodologies, […]
15852. (a) The County Health Initiative Matching Fund is hereby continued in existence within the State Treasury. The fund shall accept funding, including but not limited to, funding from intergovernmental transfers as follows: (1) The nonfederal matching fund requirement for federal financial participation through the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (Subchapter 21 (commencing with Section 1397aa) of […]
15853. (a) (1) An applicant that will provide an intergovernmental transfer may submit a proposal to the department for funding for the purpose of providing comprehensive health insurance coverage to any child who meets citizenship and immigration status requirements that are applicable to persons participating in the program established by Title XXI of the Social Security Act, […]
15854. (a) The department, in consultation with other appropriate parties, shall establish the criteria for evaluating an applicant’s proposal, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (1) The extent to which the program described in the proposal provides comprehensive coverage, including health, dental, and vision benefits. (2) Whether the proposal includes a promotional component to […]
15854.5. (a) Effective July 1, 2022, to the extent allowable under federal law, and notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter to the contrary, the department may elect not to impose subscriber contributions for purposes of coverage as described in this chapter for an applicable coverage period. (b) If the department elects to not impose subscriber contributions for […]
15855. The department shall review each funding proposal submitted by an applicant in accordance with the criteria described in Section 15854 and based on that criteria, approve or reject the proposal. (Added by Stats. 2014, Ch. 31, Sec. 89. (SB 857) Effective June 20, 2014. Section operative July 1, 2014, pursuant to Section 15864.)
15856. (a) Upon its approval of a proposal that shall include any allowable amount of federal funds under Title XXI of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 1397aa et seq.), the department may provide the applicant reimbursement in an amount equal to the amount that the applicant will contribute to implement the program described in […]
15857. Each health care service plan, specialized health care service plan, and health insurer that contracts to provide health care benefits under this chapter shall be licensed by the Department of Managed Health Care or the Department of Insurance, or be a Medi-Cal managed care plan. (Added by Stats. 2014, Ch. 31, Sec. 89. (SB […]
15858. (a) The department shall administer the provisions of this chapter and may do all of the following: (1) Administer the expenditure of moneys from the fund. (2) (A) Issue rules and regulations as necessary. (B) Notwithstanding Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, the department, without taking […]
15859. All expenses incurred by the department in administering this chapter, including, but not limited to, expenses for developing standards and processes to implement any of the provisions of this chapter, evaluating applications, or processing or granting appeals growing out of any of the provisions of this chapter, shall be paid from the fund or […]
15860. Nothing in this chapter creates a right or an entitlement to the provision of health insurance coverage or health care benefits. Except as provided in Section 15850.5, no costs shall accrue to the state for the provision of these services. The state shall not be liable beyond the assets of the fund for any […]
15861. To the extent necessary to obtain federal financial participation for projects approved pursuant to this chapter, the department shall apply for one or more waivers or shall file state plan amendments pursuant to the federal State Children’s Health Insurance Program (Subchapter 21 (commencing with Section 1397aa) of Chapter 7 of Title 42 of the […]
15862. (a) The provisions of this chapter shall be implemented only if all of the following conditions are met: (1) Federal financial participation is available for this purpose. (2) Federal participation is approved. (3) The department determines that federal funds under Title XXI of the Social Security Act remain available after providing funds for all current enrollees and eligible […]
15863. The state shall be held harmless for any federal disallowance resulting from this chapter and any other expenses or liabilities, including, but not limited to, the cost of processing or granting appeals, unless the department is acting pursuant to Section 15850.5. An applicant receiving supplemental reimbursement pursuant to this chapter shall be liable for […]
15864. This chapter shall become operative on July 1, 2014. (Added by Stats. 2014, Ch. 31, Sec. 89. (SB 857) Effective June 20, 2014. Note: This section prescribes a delayed operative date (July 1, 2014) for Chapter 3, commencing with Section 15850.)