16930. (a) (1) There is in the County Health Services Fund, created pursuant to Section 16803, the Rural Health Services Account. (2) For purposes of this chapter, “account” means the account created by paragraph (1). (b) All money appropriated for the purposes of this chapter shall be deposited in the account. (c) The department shall administer moneys deposited in the […]
16931. (a) Funds appropriated for the purposes of this chapter shall be used to enhance and maintain rural health services provided by counties, hospitals, physicians, and other providers of services to patients who cannot afford to pay for those services, and for whom payment will not be made through any private coverage or by any program […]
16931.5. The county may reimburse for emergency services provided by a physician in a standby emergency room in a hospital specified in Section 124840 of the Health and Safety Code. (Amended by Stats. 1996, Ch. 1023, Sec. 491. Effective September 29, 1996.)
16932. The department shall allocate money derived from the Hospital Services Account in the fund to each county that is eligible to participate in the CMSP pursuant to Section 16809 in the following manner: (a) The combined total of hospital uncompensated care costs for all county and noncounty hospitals in each county that is eligible to […]
16933. (a) The department shall distribute those moneys appropriated from the Physician Services Account and the Unallocated Account in the fund to counties that are eligible to participate in the CMSP pursuant to Section 16809 on the basis of the percentages obtained by dividing the population of each county that is eligible to participate in the […]
16933.1. Any physician who receives funds pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 16933 shall comply with the requirements of subdivision (d) of Section 16955. (Added by renumbering Section 16931.1 (as added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 51) by Stats. 1990, Ch. 430, Sec. 5. Effective July 26, 1990.)
16934. (a) As a condition of receiving funds under this chapter, a county shall provide, or arrange and pay for, medically necessary followup treatment, including necessary followup dental services and prescription drugs, for any condition detected as part of a child health and disability prevention screen for a child eligible for services under Section 104395 of […]
16934.2. (a) For the 1989–90 fiscal year, a county shall not have the option to contract with the department for payment for treatment of children required pursuant to Section 16934. However, a county may elect to limit its liability for payment of that treatment to 15 percent of the amount the county actually received under this […]
16934.5. (a) For the 1990–91 fiscal year and subsequent fiscal years, each county that is eligible to participate in the CMSP pursuant to Section 16809 may enter into a contract with the department in which the department agrees to assume the responsibility to pay for the cost of treatment service provided on or after July 1, […]
16934.7. (a) For the 1990–91 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, each county entering into a contract with the department pursuant to Section 16934.5, in which the department assumed the responsibility of payment for the treatment of children pursuant to Section 16934, shall have the option to contract with the department to administer the distribution […]
16935. (a) A county that is eligible to participate in the CMSP pursuant to Section 16809 may elect to have the state administer its physician services account. Each county that is eligible to participate in the CMSP pursuant to Section 16809 and that elects to have the state administer its physician services account shall do all […]
16935.5. The department may administer the distribution and monitoring of funds allocated from the Hospital Services Account pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 16946 and from the Physician Services Account pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 16952, less funds retained by the department for the administration of the children’s treatment program pursuant to Section 16934, […]
16936. (a) (1) Any county that requests funds under this chapter shall submit to the department, for approval by the department, an application for initial funding and a description of the proposed use and expenditure of the moneys, as a component of the county health services plan and budget submitted pursuant to Section 16800. The department shall […]
16937. (a) Services, associated costs, and sociodemographic characteristics of persons served by each county under Section 17000 and supported in whole or in part by funds appropriated for purposes of this chapter shall be incorporated into the information required pursuant to Section 16915. (b) Not later than July 1, 1991, to the extent possible, each county shall […]
16938. (a) Each county shall submit a report of expenditures and other information to the department according to the procedures established by the department. (b) The department shall review the reports submitted pursuant to subdivision (a) and recoup unspent moneys and expenditures that are not in compliance with this chapter or the requirements established by the department. […]
16939. As a condition of receiving funds pursuant to this chapter, each county shall meet the requirements of Articles 6 (commencing with Section 16980), 7 (commencing with Section 16990) and 10 (commencing with Section 16995) of Chapter 5. (Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 430, Sec. 11. Effective July 26, 1990.)