Section 10A-20-9.01 Incorporation. Ten or more persons desiring to associate themselves together for nonprofit purposes in the sense of not paying interest or dividends on stock, but for mutual benefit through the application of cooperation, single-tax, or other economic principles, may become a body corporate in the manner following: (1) The persons proposing to form […]
Section 10A-20-9.02 Officers; constitution; bylaws. Any corporation organized pursuant to this article may elect the officers as it may deem necessary, in such manner and for the terms as it may provide, and remove the same at any time, and adopt a constitution and bylaws as it may see fit not in conflict with the […]
Section 10A-20-9.03 Powers. A corporation formed pursuant to this article shall have the power to buy, sell, lease, and mortgage real estate, to build and operate wharves, boats, and other means of transportation and communication, to build, erect, and operate waterworks, electric lighting and power companies, libraries, schools, and parks, and to do any other […]
Section 10A-20-9.04 Exemption of certain waterworks from ad valorem taxes and state or county license taxes on gross receipts. All associations or corporations heretofore or hereafter organized pursuant to this article for the purpose of operating waterworks for unincorporated areas shall be exempt from the payment of all state, county, municipal, or other ad valorem […]
Section 10A-20-9.05 Recognition of associations of lessees, etc.; arbitration of certain disputes arising under real estate leases. (a) Any corporation organized under this article for the purpose of demonstrating the single tax principal shall, as soon as practicable after August 25, 1976, amend its corporate charter to provide that it will recognize an association of […]