Section 12-5A-1 Legislative findings and intent. Juvenile probation officers are an integral part of the juvenile justice system. Juvenile probation officers perform a variety of services which are essential to the proper operation of the juvenile courts including working primarily with youths who are alleged to be delinquent or in need of supervision. It is […]
Section 12-5A-10 Operating expenses; inventory of county-owned property; election to transfer property to state; county to provide office space, etc. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the operating expenses for the employees and positions covered by this chapter shall be paid by the state from funds appropriated annually to the Unified Judicial System […]
Section 12-5A-11 County programs, etc., unaffected. Nothing in this chapter shall diminish or adversely affect any program or service for children currently provided by a county to its respective juvenile court which is not assumed by the state under this chapter including, but not limited to, programs of financial assistance for juvenile probation and aftercare […]
Section 12-5A-12 Study commission created. (a) There is created a study commission to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of transferring to state employee status the juvenile probation officers and staff in counties having a population of more than 99,000 according to the 1990 federal decennial census. The commission shall be composed of one person appointed […]
Section 12-5A-13 Applicability to certain counties. Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter to the contrary, and the population of Mobile County, wherever this chapter refers to counties having a population of more than 99,000 according to the 1990 federal decennial census, Mobile County shall not be included and wherever this chapter refers to counties having […]
Section 12-5A-14 Construction. (a) All laws or parts of laws, both general and local, and any rules or portions of rules adopted by the Supreme Court which conflict with this chapter are expressly repealed. The provisions of this chapter are cumulative and shall not be construed to repeal or supersede any laws not inconsistent herewith. […]
Section 12-5A-2 Duties of Administrative Director of Courts; education and training for juvenile probation officers. (a) Beginning October 1, 1998, the Administrative Director of Courts shall promote the delivery of juvenile probation services for youths alleged or adjudged to be delinquent or in need of supervision, establish and promulgate reasonable minimum standards for initial and […]
Section 12-5A-3 Juvenile Probation Services Fund. There is created in the State Treasury a fund to be designated as the Juvenile Probation Services Fund. All funds now or hereafter deposited to the credit of the Juvenile Probation Services Fund shall be expended for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this chapter which shall […]
Section 12-5A-4 Duties transferred to Administrative Office of Courts; transition of personnel. (a) On October 1, 1998, all duties currently assigned to the Department of Youth Services relating to the establishment of minimum standards and the certification of juvenile probation officers, providing continuing education for juvenile probation officers, and allocating salary subsidies to the counties […]
Section 12-5A-5 Employees included in state court system personnel system; salary subsidies. (a) On the effective date of this chapter, any juvenile probation officer serving the juvenile court and any clerical employee or professional staff member who supports the juvenile probation officers shall become the base group of employees to be transitioned to be employees […]
Section 12-5A-6 Phase-out of financial support from counties. In counties having a population of 99,000 or less according to the 1990 federal decennial census, after the state assumes responsibility for salaries and benefits of juvenile probation officers and staff of juvenile probation services, financial support from those counties for these functions shall be phased out […]
Section 12-5A-7 Juvenile probation officers – Allocation by population. On or after October 1, 1999, the allocation of positions or salary subsidies in juvenile probation services shall be as follows: (1) In counties having a population of more than 99,000 according to the 1990 federal decennial census, the Administrative Office of Courts shall provide salary […]
Section 12-5A-8 Juvenile probation officers – Supervision; employees of state; appointment and dismissal; director of probation services; certain employees subject to merit system procedures. On or after October 1, 1999, each of the following shall occur: (1) In each county having a population of 99,000 or less according to the 1990 federal decennial census, all […]
Section 12-5A-9 Participation of eligible employees in Employees’ Retirement System; creditable service; formal leave accounting system; inclusion in health insurance plan. (a) Class specifications and rates of compensation for employees covered by this chapter, juvenile probation officers, juvenile probation professional staff, and clerical staff, hereafter called “eligible employees,” and any future employees occupying those positions […]