Section 16-1-1 Definitions. For purposes of this title, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section: (1) SCHOLASTIC DAY. Shall not be less than six hours of actual teaching, exclusive of all recesses or intermission periods unless otherwise ordered by the county or city board of education. […]
Section 16-1-10 Selling, etc., alcoholic beverages to school children; keeping on school premises. Any person, firm, corporation or association that knowingly sells, gives or dispenses any alcoholic beverage to any school student under the age of 18 years, or keeps or has in possession any alcoholic beverage in or on the campus or premises of […]
Section 16-1-11 Private schools to register and report;. All private schools or institutions of any kind having a school in connection therewith, except church schools as defined in Section 16-28-1, shall register annually on or before October 10 with the Department of Education and shall report on uniform blanks furnished by the Department of Education, […]
Section 16-1-11.1 Autonomy of nonpublic schools – Legislative findings. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following: (1) That a parent or guardian in Alabama has a constitutional right to choose the type of K-12 education that is best for his or her child, whether public or nonpublic, religious or nonreligious, and including home-based […]
Section 16-1-11.2 Autonomy of nonpublic schools – Education selection by parents; exemption from licensure or regulation. (a) A parent or guardian shall have the right to select the type school or method of his or her choice for the K-12 education of his or her child, whether public or nonpublic, religious or nonreligious, and including […]
Section 16-1-11.3 Autonomy of nonpublic schools – Applicability of statutory requirements. Each nonpublic school, including private, church, parochial, and religious schools, offering educational instruction in grades K-12, as well as home-schooling entities, shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 28 of this title, relating to school attendance; Chapter 22A of this title, the Alabama Child […]
Section 16-1-11.4 Admission of nonpublic school students by public institutions of higher education. Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, no public two-year or four-year institution of higher education in the state may deny admission to or otherwise discriminate against an otherwise qualified student based on the consideration, whether in whole or in part, […]
Section 16-1-11.5 Teacher certification. Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the State Department of Education’s requirements for teacher certification and recertification shall be the same for any person who teaches in a public school or a nonpublic school, whether accredited or not, and without regard to whether the otherwise qualified person is or […]
Section 16-1-11.6 Membership of nonpublic schools in Alabama High School Athletic Association. All nonpublic schools which choose to become members of the Alabama High School Athletic Association shall be in compliance with the constitution and bylaws established by Alabama High School Athletic Association member schools. (Act 2014-245, p. 785, §8.)
Section 16-1-13 Teaching pupils of disparate ability, background and achievement. Whenever any city, county or other local school board determines it to be in the best interest of the public school pupils of the local school system, it may prescribe and from time to time adjust and adapt and further prescribe the manner, method and […]
Section 16-1-14 Removal, isolation, or separation of pupils creating disciplinary problems; state approval necessary for rules implementing such measures; deprivation of right to equal and adequate education may not result. Any city, county, or other local public school board shall, consistent with Section 16-28-12, prescribe rules and regulations with respect to behavior and discipline of […]
Section 16-1-15 Classification and grouping of pupils upon consideration of social attitudes, etc. For the purpose of preventing or minimizing disciplinary problems, the local school board may classify and group pupils upon consideration of their social attitudes, their amenability to discipline, their hostility toward the school environment and their health, morals, cleanliness and habits of […]
Section 16-1-16 Special courses, tutoring, counseling, etc., for special groups of pupils. A local board of education may in its discretion prescribe special courses in citizenship, health, morals or any other subject it may consider necessary to meet the needs of special groups of pupils and may prescribe individual tutoring, counseling or group instruction and […]
Section 16-1-16.1 Alabama Council on Family and Children. (a) The Legislature finds that there is at present a need in Alabama to coordinate, at the state and local level, the efforts of existing providers of services supporting early childhood development and family involvement in education. (b) There is hereby established the Alabama Council on Family […]
Section 16-1-17 Contest of certain elections. Any and all elections held for the purpose of determining whether a tax shall be levied in the county or in a school district of the county for public school purposes or determining whether or not school districts should be consolidated or whether or not a school district should […]
Section 16-1-18.1 Accumulation of sick leave. (a) Definitions. When used in this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings, respectively: (1) EMPLOYEE. Any person employed full time as provided by law by those employers enumerated in this section; and adult bus drivers. (2) EMPLOYER. All public city and county boards of education; the […]
Section 16-1-18.2 Payment for unused sick leave upon death of employee. (a) Payment to beneficiary or estate for unused sick leave. Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, when an active and contributing member of the Teachers’ Retirement System dies while in service, the beneficiary or estate of the deceased member shall receive a […]
Section 16-1-19 Students at colleges, universities, etc., deemed residents of state if parent or guardian registered to vote in state and employed by congressman or in executive branch of federal government on appointment by President. Any law or any rule or regulation to the contrary notwithstanding, for the purposes of paying tuition or fees at […]
Section 16-1-2 Inspection of buildings during and after construction; acceptance of completed construction; forms for construction contracts. In order to eliminate the causes of school fires and other conditions which jeopardize the health and safety of school children: (1) The county or city superintendent of education shall notify the State Superintendent of Education within 10 […]
Section 16-1-2.1 New school construction to include approved safe space or hallway. (a) Commencing on July 1, 2010, any new contract awarded for the construction of a new public school, unless the school has an Alabama Building Commission approved safe space or hallway, shall include an Alabama Building Commission approved safe space or hallway. (b) […]