Section 16-1-2.2 New construction at public two-year and four-year institutions of higher education to include approved safe space or hallway. (a) Commencing on August 1, 2012, any new contract awarded for the construction of a new building, containing classrooms or dorm rooms, on the grounds of a public two-year or four-year institution of higher education […]
Section 16-1-2.3 Requirements for restroom facilities at public or private high school sports stadiums. (a) This section applies to all of the following: (1) Any existing public or private high school sports stadium for which otherwise applicable state or local building or plumbing codes or state or local laws or regulations would require a change […]
Section 16-1-2.4 Management of construction and renovation of property; capital improvement projects; transfer of powers, authority, and jurisdiction. THIS SECTION WAS AMENDED BY ACT 2022-367 IN THE 2022 REGULAR SESSION, EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2022. TO SEE THE AMENDED VERSION, SEE THE VERSION LABELED PENDING. (a) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the governing […]
Section 16-1-2.5 Contracts. THIS SECTION WAS AMENDED BY ACT 2022-367 IN THE 2022 REGULAR SESSION, EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2022. TO SEE THE AMENDED VERSION, SEE THE VERSION LABELED PENDING. The State Department of Education, an educational institution, a state educational institution, as defined in Section 41-4-400(d), a public K-12 school, or a public institution of […]
Section 16-1-20 Period of silence for meditation at beginning of first class in public schools. At the commencement of the first class each day in the first through the sixth grades in all public schools, the teacher in charge of the room in which each such class is held shall announce that a period of […]
Section 16-1-20.1 Period of silence for meditation. Repealed by Act 98-381, p. 715, § 2, effective April 27, 1998. (Acts 1981, No. 81-357, p. 523.)
Section 16-1-20.2 School prayer. From henceforth, any teacher or professor in any public educational institution within the State of Alabama, recognizing that the Lord God is one, at the beginning of any homeroom or any class, may pray, may lead willing students in prayer, or may lead the willing students in the following prayer to […]
Section 16-1-20.3 Student-initiated voluntary prayer. (a) The legislative intent and purpose for this section is to protect the freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article 1, Section 4 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to define for the citizens of Alabama the rights and privileges that […]
Section 16-1-20.4 Period of quiet reflection. (a) The Legislature of Alabama finds that in the hectic society of today all too few citizens are able to experience even a moment of quiet reflection before plunging headlong into the activities of daily life. Young citizens are particularly affected by the absence of an opportunity for a […]
Section 16-1-20.5 Protection of student religious liberties. (a) This section shall be known and may be cited as the “Alabama Student Religious Liberties Act of 2015.” (b) A public local board of education may not discriminate against students or parents on the basis of a religious viewpoint or religious expression. A local board of education […]
Section 16-1-20.6 Released time for student participation in religious instruction. (a) This section shall be known and may be cited as the Alabama Released Time Credit Act. (b) The Legislature finds and declares all of the following: (1) That the United States Supreme Court, in its decision in Zorach v. Clauson, 343 U.S. 306 (1952), […]
Section 16-1-21 Payments by boards of education for fund-saving suggestions; section permissive only. (a) All local boards of education, throughout the state, now existing or hereinafter established, are hereby authorized to pay employees for suggestions which result in a saving of funds for that particular board of education. Such expenditures are to be made from […]
Section 16-1-22 Audit of certain institutions. The Department of Examiners of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and empowered to audit the records of the Marion Military Institute, the Lyman Ward Military Academy, the Talladega College, the Walker County Junior College, the Tuskegee University, the Sylacauga Nurses Training School, and the Coosa Valley Medical Center School […]
Section 16-1-23 Hazing prohibited; penalty. (a) Hazing is defined as follows: (1) Any willful action taken or situation created, whether on or off any school, college, university, or other educational premises, which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health of any student, or (2) Any willful act on or off any school, college, […]
Section 16-1-24 Reporting of property damage and physical assaults on students and school personnel; legislative intent; penalties. (a) For purposes of this section, the following words and phrases shall have the following respective meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) INCIDENT. Any act of physical violence, with or without a weapon, trespass, vandalism, or […]
Section 16-1-24.1 Safe school and drug-free school policy; treatment of policy violators; promulgation and distribution of discipline policy; liability limited for discipline actions; local boards may adopt more stringent guidelines. (a) The Legislature finds a compelling public interest in ensuring that schools are made safe and drug-free for all students and school employees. The Legislature […]
Section 16-1-24.2 Department of Education to develop statewide violence prevention program. (a) For purposes of this section, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings: (1) GUIDANCE COUNSELING PROCEDURES. Procedures providing planned, sequential activities and services designed to help all students develop skills in the areas of personal and social growth, educational planning, […]
Section 16-1-24.3 Local boards of education to implement policies requiring expulsion of students who possess firearms in school areas. (a) All city and county boards of education shall develop and implement local policies and procedures requiring the expulsion of students, for a period of one year, who are determined to have brought to school or […]
Section 16-1-25 Access to students and campus facilities by military recruiters of U.S. Armed Forces and Department of Homeland Security. All city and county public school systems and all public institutions of higher education as defined by Section 16-5-1 and all divisions of public institutions of higher education shall grant military recruiters of the United […]
Section 16-1-25.1 Access by professional educators’ associations. (a) A public school district or any employee of a public school district shall grant all professional educators’ associations the same level of access to employees of the public school district. No professional educators’ association shall have a level of access to employees of the public school district […]