Section 17-1-1 Applicability of title to primary elections and county or municipal elections. All of the provisions of this title shall apply to all primary elections and all elections by counties or municipalities held in this state, except in cases where the provisions of this title are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of […]
Section 17-1-2 Definitions. For the purposes of this title, the following terms shall have the definitions ascribed to them: (1) APPOINTING BOARD. In all elections the appointing board consists of the judge of probate, circuit clerk, and sheriff of the county. (2) BALLOT. The term includes paper ballots and electronic ballots. (3) BALLOT CONFIGURATION. The […]
Section 17-1-3 Chief elections officials. (a) The Secretary of State is the chief elections official in the state and shall provide uniform guidance for election activities. The Secretary of State is granted rule making authority for the implementation of Chapter 2 under the Alabama Administrative Procedure Act. (b) The judge of probate is the chief […]
Section 17-1-4 Right of city, county and state employees to participate in political activities. (a)(1) No person in the employment of any city, whether classified or unclassified, shall be denied the right to participate in city, county, or state political activities to the same extent as any other citizen of the State of Alabama, including […]
Section 17-1-5 Employers to allow time off for voting. Each employee in the state shall, upon reasonable notice to his or her employer, be permitted by his or her employer to take necessary time off from his or her employment to vote in any municipal, county, state, or federal political party primary or election for […]