Section 17-3-1 Promulgation of rules for registration applications. The Secretary of State may promulgate rules for the receipt of applications for registration and the expedient administration of those applications, but no person shall be registered until a majority of the board of registrars has passed favorably upon the person’s qualifications. (Acts 1920, No. 78, p. […]
Section 17-3-10 Expenditure of county funds for supplies, office space, etc.; clerical personnel of boards. All county governing bodies are authorized and directed to expend county funds for supplies, equipment, telephone service, office space, and clerical help as may be necessary to carry out the purposes and provisions of this chapter. Any clerical personnel who […]
Section 17-3-11 Registration of voters at colleges and universities. (a) The board of registrars in each county shall visit each college or university, whether public or private, having an enrollment of 500 or more, which is located therein, at least once during the school year for the purpose of registering voters, and shall remain there […]
Section 17-3-12 Per diem for board members; appointments to fill board vacancies. Each member of the board of registrars shall receive sixty dollars ($60) per day, for each day’s attendance upon the special sessions of the board required under this article; but if such special session is held on the same day a regular session […]
Section 17-3-13 Compensation increases. (a) A county commission, upon the adoption of a resolution, may increase the per diem compensation paid to each member of the county board of registrars without the necessity of enacting a local law of authorization, provided that no state funds shall be used for such additional compensation. (b) As an […]
Section 17-3-2 Qualifications and appointment of registrars; chair. (a) Registration shall be conducted in each county by a board of three reputable and suitable persons to be appointed, unless otherwise provided by law, by the Governor, Auditor, and Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, or by a majority of them acting as a state board of […]
Section 17-3-3 Terms of office; removal from office. The registrars appointed under this article may be removed for cause by the Secretary of State at any time before the end of their term of office, upon submitting written reasons therefor to the registrar removed and to the members of the state board of appointment. If […]
Section 17-3-4 Filling of vacancies. If one or more of the persons appointed on such board of registrars shall refuse, neglect, or be unable to qualify to serve, or if a vacancy or vacancies occur in the membership of the board of registrars, from any cause, the Governor, Auditor, and Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, […]
Section 17-3-5 Compensation and allowances for registrars; treatment as state employees. (a) Each registrar shall receive a salary in the amount of eighty dollars ($80) per day for each day’s attendance upon business of the board, to be paid by the state and disbursed to the county commissions and disbursed by the county commissions to […]
Section 17-3-6 Oath of office; registrars designated as judicial officers. Before entering upon the performance of the duties of office, each registrar shall take the same oath as required by the judicial officers of the state, which oath may be administered by any person authorized to administer oaths. The oath shall be in writing, subscribed […]
Section 17-3-7 Quorum. The action of a majority of the board of registrars shall be the action of the board, and a majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business. (Code 1907, §314; Acts 1920, No. 78, p. 124; Code 1923, §383; Code 1940, T. 17, §34; Code 1975, […]
Section 17-3-8 Sessions of boards; working days of registrars; special registration sessions. THIS SECTION WAS AMENDED BY ACT 2022-112 IN THE 2022 REGULAR SESSION, EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2022. THIS IS NOT IN THE CURRENT CODE SUPPLEMENT. (a) Each member of the board of registrars in the Counties of Clay, Cleburne, Coosa, Dallas, Escambia, Geneva, Lowndes, […]
Section 17-3-9 Time and place of meeting in counties with two or more courthouses. Where there are two or more courthouses in any county, the board of registrars shall divide the time as appropriate between the courthouses for the purpose of holding regular sessions for registering voters and shall give notice accordingly. (Code 1907, §310; […]