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Home » US Law » 2022 Code of Alabama » Title 19 - Fiduciaries and Trusts. » Chapter 2 - Fiduciaries in War Service.

Section 19-2-1 – Definitions.

Section 19-2-1 Definitions. (a) When used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section: (1) WAR SERVICE. Such term shall include the following, during the period that the United States shall be engaged in war with any foreign nation: a. Active […]

Section 19-2-3 – Reappointment of Removed Fiduciary.

Section 19-2-3 Reappointment of removed fiduciary. If any fiduciary in war service be removed from office and is a competent and suitable person to again serve as such fiduciary at any time after the termination of his war service, the fiduciary appointed to fill the vacancy caused by such removal, or his successor, shall be […]

Section 19-2-4 – Notice of Petition; Representation by Attorney.

Section 19-2-4 Notice of petition; representation by attorney. Notice of any petition to remove a fiduciary in war service and the day appointed to hear the same must be given to him by the register or clerk by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to him at his post-office address, if known, or by […]

Section 19-2-5 – Bond.

Section 19-2-5 Bond. Unless exempted from so doing by law or trust instrument every fiduciary appointed by the court must give bond, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, in the amount and conditioned and payable as required by the law applicable to his fiduciary office. (Acts 1943, No. 460, p. 421, §5.)