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Section 2-13-1 – Definitions.

Section 2-13-1 Definitions. For the purposes of this article, the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section: (1) MILK. The fresh, clean lacteal secretion obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy cows, properly fed and kept, excluding that obtained within 10 days before and five days […]

Section 2-13-10 – Use of Standard Test Required.

Section 2-13-10 Use of standard test required. It shall be unlawful for any person, either for himself or another, to falsely manipulate or underread or overread or take inaccurate samples or make any false determinations by Babcock test or any other contrivance used to determine the quantity of fat in milk or cream or the […]

Section 2-13-11 – Ice Cream Defined and Standardized.

Section 2-13-11 Ice cream defined and standardized. For the purpose of this article, ice cream is hereby defined and standardized as follows: Ice cream is the frozen compound, varied as to kind and proportion of ingredients, within the limit established by custom and usage. Ice cream consists chiefly of a sweetened and flavored mixture of […]

Section 2-13-12 – Adulterated Ice Cream.

Section 2-13-12 Adulterated ice cream. For the purpose of this article, ice cream shall be deemed to be adulterated: (1) If in quality or grade it is lower than the professed standard of quality or grade under which it is sold or offered for sale; (2) If it contains any poisonous or other deleterious ingredients […]

Section 2-13-13 – Misbranded Ice Cream.

Section 2-13-13 Misbranded ice cream. For the purpose of this article, ice cream shall be deemed to be misbranded: (1) If the label, brand, tag or notice under which it is sold is false or misleading in any particular as to the kind, grade or quality or composition of such ice cream; (2) If it […]

Section 2-13-14 – Requirements Relative to Milk and Cream Tests.

Section 2-13-14 Requirements relative to milk and cream tests. Any person, firm, company, association, corporation or agent thereof engaged in the business of buying milk or cream on the basis of or in any manner with reference to the amount or percentage of butterfat contained therein, as determined by the Babcock test, shall use standard […]

Section 2-13-15 – Annual Reports of Creameries, Milk Plants, Etc.

Section 2-13-15 Annual reports of creameries, milk plants, etc. Creameries, ice cream plants, milk plants and cream and milk stations, when buying cream or milk, shall report annually, on or before March 1 of each year, the amount of milk or cream or both purchased during the preceding calendar year, with the amount of fat […]

Section 2-13-16 – Imitation Butter and Imitation Cheese Defined.

Section 2-13-16 Imitation butter and imitation cheese defined. Every article, substitute or compound, except that produced from pure milk or cream from milk cows, made in the semblance of or designed to be used for and in the place of butter, is imitation butter. Every article, substitute or compound, except that produced from pure milk […]

Section 2-13-2 – Purpose of Article; Power of Board.

Section 2-13-2 Purpose of article; power of board. The purpose of the provisions of this article is to promote the dairying interest of the state, to secure to the public wholesome, clean and nutritious milk, cream, butter and by-products of the same and to prevent frauds upon the public in connection therewith. The State Board […]

Section 2-13-21 – Renovated Butter.

Section 2-13-21 Renovated butter. No person shall sell in this state any butter that is produced by taking original packing stock butter or other butter or both and melting the same so that the butterfat can be drawn off or extracted, then mixing the said butterfat with skimmed milk or milk or cream or other […]

Section 2-13-4 – Adding or Blending Fat or Oil With Milk or Cream.

Section 2-13-4 Adding or blending fat or oil with milk or cream. No person himself or by his servant or agent shall, for the purpose of sale or exchange, add any fat or oil other than milk fat to or blend or compound the same with any milk, cream or skimmed milk, whether or not […]

Section 2-13-5 – Sanitation of Premises and Utensils.

Section 2-13-5 Sanitation of premises and utensils. All premises and utensils used in the handling of milk or cream and the by-products of the same and all premises and utensils used in the preparation, manufacture or sale of any food product for man from milk or cream or the by-products of the same which shall […]

Section 2-13-6 – Utensils to Be Cleaned by Purchaser.

Section 2-13-6 Utensils to be cleaned by purchaser. Any person within the state who receives in cans, bottles or other vessels any milk or cream, ice cream or other dairy products intended for human food, when such vessels are to be returned, shall cause the said cans, bottles or other vessels to be thoroughly washed […]

Section 2-13-7 – Milk From Diseased Cows; Unsanitary Premises or Utensils.

Section 2-13-7 Milk from diseased cows; unsanitary premises or utensils. It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the business of handling or selling milk or cream or any by-product of the same or in the preparation, manufacture, or sale of any food products for man from milk or cream or any by-product of […]