Section 20-2A-30 Registered qualified patient; registered caregiver. (a)(1) A resident of this state who is 19 years of age or older is a registered qualified patient if he or she meets all of the following conditions: a. Has been certified by a registered certifying physician as having a qualifying medical condition. b. Is registered with […]
Section 20-2A-31 Registered certifying physician – Requirements. (a) In order for a physician to qualify as a registered certifying physician, he or she must meet the following requirements: (1) Hold an active license to practice medicine under Chapter 24 of Title 34. (2) Complete a four-hour course related to medical cannabis and complete a subsequent […]
Section 20-2A-32 Registered certifying physician – Prohibited conduct. A registered certifying physician may not do any of the following: (1) Except for the limited purpose of performing a medical cannabis-related study, accept, solicit, or offer any form of remuneration from or to a qualified patient, designated caregiver, or any licensee, including a principal officer, board […]
Section 20-2A-33 Physician certifications of patients; rulemaking authority; patient registry information. (a) In order to certify a patient, a registered certifying physician must diagnose the patient with at least one qualifying medical condition or confirm that the patient has been medically diagnosed with at least one qualifying medical condition. (b) Not later than December 1, […]
Section 20-2A-34 Suspension of driver’s license. Any person who is recommended a daily dosage of medical cannabis that exceeds 75 mg of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol under paragraph (f)(2)b. of Section 20-2A-33, shall automatically have his or her driver’s license suspended, regardless of whether he or she holds a valid medical cannabis card under this chapter. (Act 2021-450, […]
Section 20-2A-35 Alabama Medical Cannabis Patient Registry System. (a) In order to commence, use, and maintain a reliable system to track all aspects of patient and caregiver qualification not later than September 1, 2022, the commission shall establish and administer an integrated, electronic patient and caregiver registry, known as the Alabama Medical Cannabis Patient Registry […]
Section 20-2A-36 Registration requirements; medical cannabis card. (a) Once certified, a patient and, if applicable, the patient’s designated caregiver, shall register in the patient registry. The commission shall develop the application and renewal process for patient and designated caregiver registration, that shall include, but not be limited to, an application form, relevant information that must […]